Best config ???

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by vsc99073, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. vsc99073

    vsc99073 User

    Hi, I'm sort of a noob and I want to know the best Goli configs. I thought of these two:


    All lasers on ship, full shields on generators, and half of drones with shield, half with lasers.


    All lasers on ship, full speed on generator slots, full shield on drones.


    #1: instead of full shield, full lasers on config 2 drones

    #2: instead of full shield or full lasers, half shield and half lasers on config 2 drones.

    Please help; you can also post other possible configs.
  2. Depends on what you are going to do.
  3. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Hi vsc99073, your optimum config will depend on what your are doing and what your ship spec is.
    A standard config set up is.

    Config 1. All lasers on ship and drones 4-5 shield generators on ship.

    config 2, Full speed config (full speed gens on ship ) and anything from full shield on drones to half shield half lasers.

    Suicide Config is full lasers on ship and drones with full speed on ship.

    Battle config is full shield on ship, full lasers on ship and drones.

    Tank config ( for when you are hunting in a group and are going to take all the hits) is full shield on ship and drones.

    Before I had LF4s I would nromally have config 2 with full shield on drones but now I have quite a few LF4s I change it up a bit more with my second config.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014