Bidding and other issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [HUN]SzakiLaci, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. Dear Developers !

    This is my first post in DO forum, and first I would like to congratulate for the great job you've done! As a 38 year old programmer myself, I can really realize and appreciate the lot of work, you've put into this game yet. But as IT professional myself, can not hold back the small problems I've found, and I hope you will see my letter as a "good-will help". :rolleyes:

    1. At the bidding section :
    1.1 The ScrollBar should scroll 1 page only, not 2, if clicked empty part.
    1.2 The scroll-arrows should scroll down only 1 item
    1.3 Man has to click exactly the middle of text-field, to activate the cursor, and being able to type the credit number! ... Should work in the whole gray field
    1.4 Hitting [Enter] after typed number works always fine, but clicking the [Button] under it, doesn't work always at the first time, and usually takes more time to handle for the browser.
    1.5 The MOST IMPORTANT: The Whole bidding part of the game taking too much resource of the CPU, and seems to eat up the memory too. If it's opened for a longer time, it makes the whole PC lagging every few sec. (Even on a core i5 4GB ram machine. )
    This can effect the gameplay too, freezing the browser for 1-3 whole seconds, in a repeating period
    Please make this part of the game LESS resource-consuming, when you're going to reconstruct the Bidding part soon ! ;)

    2. At the Main screen the upper running/scrolling text is taking too much CPU time too, making a PC noisy and more energy consumed unnecessary by it.
    ("Thing Green" a bit please !)
    It would be obvious, to be able to STOP the right-to-left running text, not just by moving the mouse over it, but infinitely. (A small STOP button next to it is all what needed. :D)

    Thanks for reading this !
    László (Hungary)

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you for being so candid with your ingame thoughts and issues.
    I will pass this information along to have it investigated further.

    Thank you and have a lovely day!