BIO skills and how it affected the game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Pacman2-, Apr 19, 2014.

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  1. To be honest back in those days I bout $400 worth of uridium, got FE, gates, etc. Then I chose to buy the Ammo pack which at the time cost $59.99 for 80,000 x3, and actually bought it about 10 times = 800,000 x3.

    After that I litterally sat on the EIC 2-4 BLP with 2 tank configs and poped every other FE that tried to kill me with Promi Sabs and x3.
    No Tactic Required....
    When speaking of tactics I am ALWAYS speaking of even fights UFE vs UFE It's simply common sense theres no tactic required to pop someone that is not of even Equipment....
    Your Correct 51 LF-4 level 16, 32 BO2 level 16, ETC.
    Honestly yes it takes time to get UFE, I have friends that pally 13 hours a day and bring in a staggering 20,000 palladium a day or 1,333 GG spins.
    They usually do this 5 days out of the week = 6,665 GG spins.
    In one solid month that's 26,660 GG spins the equivalent of 2,660,000 Uridium.
    Now assuming you have the time to do this Its not that hard to get UFE....

    #1 125,000 is hardly that much try 218,000.
    #2 When I PvP I give everyone a chance, I run a suicide config at all times = 0 sheilds all damage.
    On that note have you ever tried fight 2 other UFE's with a suicide config and won?
    ^ Thats called Tactics
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 25, 2014
  2. Full_force

    Full_force User

    Note i said straight to hp even with moth you can not do 100% of damage to the hp of a shielded ship (even though many do).
  3. I am not ufe and I have success against ufe using my favoured vengie..
    I do disagree with you pacman, I do not see bio as the beginning of the end, to agree with `Chance` creating an unfair platform where uber WW became so strong in a short time. My 50p / day gameplay with box doubler and rebate does improve my `vengie daily, so to add to the first line..I have success against ufe when I choose to take them on. To pick up on previous quotes by you pacman..The majority of my gameplay is farming. This is only way I can play with the ufe.

    Omega likes this.
  4. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I would say for sure that if 2 UFE UWW with unlimited everything and no cheats 1v1, then the level of skill and tactics required today is greater,
    but I have always championed having a game where the average player / spender is seen as the games main income, rather than a handful of UWW and cheats getting the best of DO.
    After all 100 players spending £/$10 a months requires 1 UWW to spend £/$1k per month.

    As far as BIO goes, if it had been a reasonable cost, so it was obtainable for the average player in a few months ( say 6 months) then I would agree it would have been a good Addition to the game.

    But the cost meant that most ended up just chasing BIO skills ( the beginning of the farming game, just to keep one step or more behind the UWW) , then because so much real money was spent, the money grabbing updates came flooding in.

    BIO without question was the biggest single leap in battle advantage (excluding cheats) for those that got it as soon as it came out. A full BIO ship could at least 2v1 2 FE golis without any significant skill or tactics.

    Any other single update never increase the strength of two identical ship with just the full update as a difference.

  5. Bio isn't a great advantage so that didn't ruin the game I can still manage to beat players that got 50 pp.

    Its just the cost getting all the pp are the hardest for a lot of players.