Birthday 6th FAQ

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 16, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User




    The Birthday Gate for the 6th Birthday.
    • Every player that logs in on the 11th of December, starting from 00:00:00 server time, will receive the 6th Birthday Gate automatically. The Gate will be placed on the according X-1 map.
    • Inside the “6” will be a Treasure Chest and a crippled ship which will be communicating with the player and leading as a guide from wave to wave informing the player also about the boosters that are on the map.
    • In the “6” are four areas where boosters are stationed.
      • Damage - red, will give +100% damage in fight,
      • Shield Recharge - light blue, will give you +300% shield regeneration infight,
      • Healing - green, which will heal 10.000hp per second,
      • Prismatic Shield - white, will mitigate incoming Damage by 50%.
    • · The boosters have a pretty huge range, which will be visually displayed on the minimap and with a pulsating ring coming from the booster.
    • · The crippled ship will inform the player which booster will be activated so that he has to move in order to receive the boost.
    • Once all waves are destroyed, elements of the “6” explode and the player will be able to fly inside and loot that shiny package
    If you have finished the 6th Birthday Gate, you will receive a special “Lifetime Reward Chest” with the content being dependent on when your account has been registered.

    The contents of the chest are:
    UCB-100: 2012
    MCB-50: 2012
    Uridium: 2012
    Booty Keys Green: 3
    All Resources: 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66
    + X amount of BDR-1212 rockets depending on how long you are playing DarkOrbit​
    • 5+ years - 5000 Rockets
    • 3-5 years - 4000 Rockets
    • 2-3 years - 2500 Rockets
    • 1-2 years - 1000 Rockets
    • <1 year - 250 Rockets
    And not only that, but the player that finished the “6” will also receive the “Encore” achievement, for completing the six-year DarkOrbit anniversary birthday gate

    Birthday rockets BDR-.012

    • The Rockets function identical to the normal Hellstorm rockets (eg. HSTRM-01)
    • Damage: +10% increased damage vs. Players, +30% damage boost vs. NPCs compared to the HSTRM-01 (-> Player: 4400/ NPC: 5200)
    • Range: the same as the HSTRM-01 (1000)
    • Cooldown: Rocketlauncher (1).
    • The rockets will also be in the shop during the 6th birthday. There is no limitations as to how many Birthday rockets you can have, as they do not take up any ammo space.
    The Birthday Presents

    There will be special spawning birthday bonus boxes. They either contain the “regular” contents that the players already know from for example Halloween and the chances of getting the special Birthdayrockets.
    Thank you Kitsune9 for your assistance on this thread.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
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