birthday gate 6

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by **Dr-Robotnik**, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. hi i hope you can help, i am stuck in this gate and cannot get out or log out i am on the little crystal things but i dont know if there finished or not .cheers
  2. This is probably a matter for support, I recommend you contact them. Be sure to provide them with your username, in game name, and user ID.
  3. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Firstly have you checked the top left and bottom right corners of the map. It only takes 1 to escape when you are shooting them and you dont get them in the corners you will be stuck there for hours. If you are sure that you have killed them all then I am afraid that Mocklaceo444 is correct, as we no longer have a private tech section in the forum you will need to contact support with this issue.

  4. hi guys thanks for your help, i did find a alien half dead in one of the corners. i dont play this game often but still cannot believe how stupid of me not to check cheers again
  5. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Happy to be of assistance. I am going to close this now as it has been resolved. If you have any further problems please dont hesitate to ask.

    Other than that have a good day and enjoy the game.

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