Birthday Gate/E-mail

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by CHAYNOEL71, Dec 12, 2013.

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    CHAYNOEL71 User

    How do i redeem the code or find the gate please?
  2. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello CHAYNOEL71

    The codes were sent by newsletter (e-mail). If you were not subscribed to receive the newsletter at the time, then you will not have received the offer.

    Codes are redeemed in the URIDIUM section on the backpage. You will also need to enter the two captcha codes which will be generated.

    When redeeming the code, if you do not have a Hades Gate active, then one will be created on the Spacemap for you (X-1 map). If you have one active already, then another Hades Gate will be assembled in the Galaxy Gate Generator ready for you. If you already have one Hades Gate active and another waiting, then you will receive 500 Galaxy Gate Energy for redeeming the code.
  3. ~Morph33~

    ~Morph33~ User

    So SERAPH,
    I have been subscribed for more than a year now, checked yesterday and still see that I'm subscribed and yet have not received the letter. Will I get it eventually or at least some compensation?

    ASTRAEA User

    Unfortunately we can not give you an answer on that here in the forums. I can however direct you to support to have this matter investigated further.

    I am sorry we could not assist you on this issue.
    Please have a lovely day!
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