BK rewards and bonus boxes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by arcticpenguin1, Jan 16, 2014.

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  1. increase kristillion uridum reward from 128 to 150? I mean 128 seems like a strange number to be at in the first place. It would help everyone gaining uridium easier, especially for free players, and its not a huge increase reward. I mean come on, we have upgrades, new gates, pilot bio, if you are going to add more stuff in the game, it would be only fair to help all the players a little.

    As someone suggested before, removing credits from bonus boxes, at least in 4-1 4-2 4-3, x-5 and greater, would help. Because essentially by then most people have learned the mechanics well enough to not needing credits from a bonus box.

    And as of the new quest, I mean, what is the whole point of the pirate maps now? Its just another bmaps. Really pointless now.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    All the Npc's pay out strange numbers of Uridium, the bonus boxes need to be changed, new quests were introduced to combat the high prices and give players something to do but are boring and pay pathetically low uridium, they really should up the uridium on aliens to make it a bit easier for basic FE's and noobs progress.
  3. NPCs should give double the uridium they're giving now. And the new quests uridium payout really is pathetic.
  4. Agreed, if they add more stuff, at least give us a chances to keep up.
  5. In the last forum, I calculated the average price for becoming UFE and it was around 20 million uridium. And we get like 8 uri from killing npcs? They definitely should be giving us MORE uridium. Not less like this new quest update has made it:mad:
  6. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    streuner 1
    lordakia 2
    saimon 4
    mordon 8
    devvy 16
    sibby 32
    mlord 64
    bk 128
    Thats how it is, unfair on those that worked their way up with this system.
    Keep it how it is.

    Removing credits..rather replace them with ammo when the max ammo capacity is removed.
  7. Its not unfair, if those who are already UFE, or between FE and UFE, and even some FE still need more uri. like me. it is not unfair.
  8. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    I'd demand that for every bk kill i've made i should get a plus 22 uridium. Really don't think that would happen.
  9. Saying don't change it, because it woul be unfair for all those that worked up in the past, including me, is really a bad argument. It's like saying DO shoulda stayed in the old days, without 2 configs, or without ecos, or without skylab, because it is unfair for those that didn't have them before.
    I don't care if it's "unfair" that I had to work up with that uri in the past. If they bring out more uridium for npcs, it only helps everyone. I'd go with it all the way.
  10. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Might as well go all out then, soon sum1 will say, hey lets increase saimon uridium fro 4 to 5.
    and mordon to 10
    et cetera
  11. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Why not just assign x2 uri for any alien as strong or stronger than a "sibby" when that alien is soloed.
  12. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    as much as id love to get 3600 urid from an icy, no way
  13. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Fine you meenee head!!!
    how about just 50% more uri?
  14. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    2700 urid, no way' ufes would be minting
  15. How about rewards stay as they are? If anything needs rendering - it's those damn, Uridium & Honor rewards, you recieve from quests. ;L
  16. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Agreed, the rewards arent very good.
  17. This ain't about the quests, but their uri and honor rewards really are junk. Seraphim, is anything wrong with getting 3,600 from an icy? Please consider how long it still would take for you to become ufe. Building gates is really expensive, pilot bio is really expensive, upgrades, unlocking and filling pet slots...ect. It's a great way to lessen the gap from fe to ufe.
    I see no problem in doubling the uridium rewards other than the few grouches who will complain that it's unfair. I'm sure it will never happen, but I'd love it.:cool:
  18. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Right!!! Ugh, them grouches are something else......lol.
  19. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    no ones laughing vespid...
    Nah nothing wrong with 3600 we'd all love that.
    But consider every players perspective. Newbie players wouldnt stand a chance of getting close to fe as most fes would become close to ufe and thus making it worse for them.
    Perhaps they ought to increase the uridium somewhat but not that high.
  20. Some manage to make well over 250k uri from icy's , just in 1 day. Now if the rewards were to be doubled to 3600...well they'll be making over 500k just from popping icy's, in one day alone :L
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2014