Bonus for Inviting Friends

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .-ŚìζvєŖ†βuζζєT-., Apr 21, 2014.

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  1. Prior to the new scheme of bonuses given for inviting up to 25 friends, there was the Friends & Family scheme which, I believe, listed all your invires that had got to Level 7 (&/or included all your invites sent).

    The new scheme only lists all your invites that have got to level 10. how are we supposed to know the people who we sent previous invites to & who actually reached level 7?
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I don't believe the old friends count towards the new friends bonus. You have to invite 25 more.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It's mixed reports right now.
    I was told by support initially that people would have to invite 25 more friends, then after a little bit more questioning I got the answer that the information had changed and people who got the Ignite / Lance would be getting the nostromo etc for free.
    However that was over a week ago and nothing has happened yet so I think I will have to follow them up on it again.

    I know that doesn't really answer the thread question in anyway apart from saying "I don't know ... but here's what I don't know" x)
  4. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Normally any new friends bonus scheme will start from Zero friends so everyone has the same chance of getting the promotion reward.

    If we had access to the old forum search I could find the post that describes this.

    I guess we will not find out the true facts until the promotion is over, so everyone that is trying to get the reward will try, hoping for the best option for them.

    I would say;
    anyone that could genuinely get 25 friends to truly start playing DO these days and then continue after the promotion ends, deservers a free UFE ship.
  5. I understand what you are saying, but the issue is that we are not getting told exactly what is going on with this promotion.

    I have not invited anyone for the current promotion, yet my log shows that I have 18 invites that have been accepted. Of these, it says that 1 has reached level 10, however it also states Bonuses received: 11.

    Accordingly, I should have received the Nostromo Diplomat design with 1 months premium & 10,000 UCB-100 ammunition for 5 bonuses.

    Then, I should have received the Nostromo Envoy design with another 1 month's premium along with 10000 RSB-75 ammunition, 200 EMP-1s, Damage & Honor boosters for 10 hours.

    On top of that I should have got 5 log disks & 1 CLO4K CPU (these are per friend who reaches level 10).

    It is fine for the people behind this promotion to bring it out, but it is totally & utterly ridiculous that it is almost 2 weeks since it started, yet despite numerous posts & enquiries, we are still lurking in the dark & no one seems to be bothered in giving us a straight answer!!

    I also somewhat sympathise with Team DarkOrbit as they been to be in the dark as much as we are.
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    As it happens I have just got an email back from support on the subject:


    This is still being looked into at this time. I regret to say this has not been completed yet, and we are still waiting for additional information as to when the exact resolution of this will be. I do apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for keeping patient.


    So just the exact same situation as before, players are waiting to hear from support and support are waiting to hear from someone on the DO team.
  7. Guys, at this point I'm pretty sure it was a ploy to catch pushers. I would just wait and see what happens.
  8. As for as the reply that Okapi32 has got
    I find the period of time that we have been waiting for a proper & genuine reply to be ludicrous.

    Had this been issue that could have cost BP & DO money, then I can virtually guarantee that it would have been properly looked into & resolved within 24-48 hours!!:(:eek::confused::confused::(

    This is another example of the total lack of respect & regard shown to players by the big guns behind this game.:(:(:p:p:p:(:(
  9. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Hi .-ŚìζvєŖ†βuζζєT-.,
    If you are truly trying to get 25
    real friends to start playing DO since the start of the bonus event, then I would assume the following:-

    Ignore what the system is showing and check with the friends you have introduced since the event started, how they are doing in the game and use that to determine what rewards you should have got, then if you do not receive the rewards as indicated them you can contact support.

    However if you are genuinely inviting real friends to the game that will carry on playing then however the event turn out at least you will still have your friends playing do with you.
    Those that put loads of effort into inviting fictitious friends will have wasted there time.

    At worst we will all get a couple of days 5% EP /5% honour in compensation.
  10. Do the 25 friends have to have their own computer to do it? because I could let them make the account at my house and let them play till level 12 and if they like it they can transfer it to their own e-mail... Can they make their accounts on my laptop?
  11. Considering 90% of the people who got the last one BOOSTED for it, i don't think it's fair to freely give it to them.
  12. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Why would anyone need to make their account up to level 12 at your house, on any PC there, then change their email?

    Or are you asking:-
    Can you make 25 account at your house on the PC you have, get them to level 12, then sell them?

    What do you think the answer is?
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  13. lol true he worded that horribly. My question would be can people us my laptop to make an account. For example, my friends computer is broke. if i wanted him to do it, would it be allowed?
  14. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    In short NO. Accounts need to have a different IP from yours for it to count ;)

  15. That's ridiculous, I can't even get my friends to help me move, how do they expect me to ask them to play a dying game?

    The only reason they came up with the new rewards is because we're losing more players than we can recruit
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 29, 2014
  16. When I see UFE players with the Lance design I roll my eyes.
  17. Enjoy the game.

    Closing as lack of response from OP.
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