Bonus Rewards in GG - Tartarus Designs, Mimesis Designs and Ship Upgrade Modules

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Oddessey, Sep 19, 2019.

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please find below the information of the Tartarus and the Mimesis Ship designs (just cosmetic because skills were replaced by modules) as well as their modules which will be implemented as bonus rewards to the Galaxy Gates from Friday, 20th September 10 am (LST) until Monday, 23rd September at 23.59 (LST).
    • Tartarus Smite
    • Tartarus Osiris
    • Tartarus Epion
    • Mimesis Smite
    • Mimesis Osiris
    • Mimesis Epion
    There are also the ship upgrade modules that can be used together with the ship designs:

    +10% Damage/-8% Shield
    +12% Damage/-12% Shield
    +15% Shield /+10% Evasion / -10% HP
    +10% Damage / -8% HP / + 5% Evasion
    +12% Damage / -5% Shield / +5% Evasion
    +8% Shield / -5% HP / +5% Evasion
    You can get the ship designs and/or the modules with a small chance in the Delta Gate, the Epsilon Gate, the Zeta Gate and the Kappa Gate for a limited time frame (see above).

    Please note: The ship designs aren’t given out together with the modules! Each reward (each ship design as well as each model) is counting as a single reward. Good luck!

    Your Dark Orbit Team
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
    recursos☺☺ and TermiteFan like this.