
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SpeakTheTruth, Dec 10, 2013.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. I had a bonus from my email and when I clicked on it it gave me the rewards from the email just on a different server. Is there any way that it can be transferred to my ship?
    User Id:54008746
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    You will most likely have to contact support for this. Usually, when Dark Orbit sends you a Bonus email, it usually is for a certain account, so only Support will be able to determine if this is possible, or even allowed.
  3. It's the same account, just a different server. But thanks
  4. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    These bonuses are usually sent out for ships that have become inactive and are an incentive to start flying that ship again, as a result they are usually server specific and cannot be transferred I am sorry to say.

    Do you have any further questions on this matter or can we close?