booty box findings

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Star*Fire, Dec 16, 2013.

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  1. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    I picked up a Sepectrum skill design in a booty box. At this time I don't own a Goli. I was looking at my equipment page and do not see it stored. I have all the ones but Lightning for my Vengi but I can not find this one. Is it stored someplace else till I purchase a Goli or was it just a waste of a booty box?
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Don't worry it's not a waste :)

    When you get a Goliath it will be there waiting for you in the design drop-down menu.
    Star*Fire likes this.
  3. no when u get a goli u will see it where u swpe to the vetron goli skin
    Star*Fire likes this.
  4. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    Thanks I like the sounds of the answer. have fun
  5. Hello Star*Fire

    Thank you Okapi32 & WÏŁÐ§TØRM.HÇ® for assisting with this thread.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  6. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    Nope, Thanks all . You can close. I do like the new fourm it's a nice update.
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