Booty Locator

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [PΛЯΛĐΘX]™, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Just like the other two locators, Enemy and Resource; why not have a booty locator?

    It would make events that required booty keys a lot more fast paced as well as giving more of an overall feel of a treasure hunt! Nothing is more annoying than trying to find booty chests, flying around an entire map and finding one chest if not none.

    Boss191986 likes this.
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Wouldn't this be the opposite of a treasure hunt? Being told exactly where to go? Rather than just flying around trying to find some?
  3. you would still need to fly around despite the range of the locator, maybe have the range for level 3 gear at about 2000, that way you would definitely need to travel around. I am serious though, I have flown around an entire map a few times and not found a single chest on an lf4 event, having to go to the next map in hopes of finding one.
  4. There is a game that tells you where the next treasure is, but you have to buy that feature. I don't see why DO would also implement the same thing. But, the booty boxes are so bad. I say go ahead, yeah. :rolleyes:

    Also, there is no Enemy locator - just the Alien locator - DO worded it wrong.
  5. But a booty box collection function for the PET might be interesting.