Boss Alien FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Boss Alien FAQ

    NPC ImageNPC NameLocationHitpointsShields Average DamageSpeedREWARDS:
    BossStreuner.png Boss Struener X-2 / 4-5 3,200 1,600 80 250 1,600 8 1600 4
    B-Lordakia.gifBoss Lordakia X-2 / 4-5 8,0008,000263-3634003,200163,2008
    BossMordon.png Boss MordonX-3 / 4-580,00040,0001,170 -1,56015012,8006425,60032
    BossSaimon.png Boss SaimonX-4 /4-524,00012,000600-8003006,400326,40016
    BossDevolarium.png Boss DevolariumX-3 / 4-5400,000400,0004,100-4,65016025,600128204,80064
    BossSibelonit.png Boss SibelonitX-5 / 4-5160,000160,0003,175 -4,35030012,80064102,40048
    BossSibelon.png Boss sibleonX-4 / 4-5800,000800,0007,950-10,60017551,200256409,600128
    BossLordakium.png Boss LordakiumX-5 / 4-51,200,000800,00012,000-16,000200102,400512819,200256
    BossKristallin.png Boss KristallinX-6/X-7 4-5200,000160,0003,800 -5,00034025,60012851,20064
    BossKristallon.png Boss KristallonX-7 / 4-51,200,0001,600,00013,350 - 17,800250204,8001,0241,638,400 512
    BossStreuneRR.png Boss StrueneR X-8 / 4-580,00040,000 1400 20012,860 6425,600 32
    Boss Streuner

    BossStreuner.png B-Streuner.gif

    The Boss Streuner is the Boss version of the normal Streuner.
    It is four times stronger than the normal version and is looks
    different visually.

    Boss Lordakia

    BossLordakia.png B-Lordakia.gif

    Boss Lordakia are the stronger version of the original Lordakia.
    They are somewhat harder to find and give a slightly larger reward
    than the Lordakia. Boss Lordakia, when found, call in swarms of
    Lordakia to assist them.​

    They are also found in Lambda Gate.

    Boss Mordon

    BossMordon.png B-Mordon.gif

    Boss Mordon are the four times stronger version of the regular Mordon.
    They are a good source of rewards and Cargo Drop to newer players.
    Boss Mordon are aggressive (just as the Mordon) and deal a sustainable
    amount of damage while the player is unsuspecting.
    It's attacks are from it's spinning blades and have no sound effect.

    Boss Saimon

    BossSaimon.png B-Saimon.gif

    Boss saimons are 4 times as strong as the regular saimon .
    This Alien is hostile to players and attacks on-sight.
    This ship dosn't typically require a outfit to kill.
    They can be annoying when trying to kill sibleon.

    Boss Devolarium

    BossDevolarium.png B-Devolarium.gif

    Boss Devolarium, (also known as Boss Devo) is the much stronger
    version of the Devolarium. This Alien is hostile to players
    and attacks on-sight.

    Boss Sibelonit

    BossSibelonit.png B-Sibelonit.gif

    Boss Sibelonit are the four times stronger version of the regular Sibelonit.
    Being four times stronger in damage, shields, hp, and rewards, they are
    aggresive to the passing players and attack on-sight.
    Also having different graphics than the Sibelonit, you can tell the difference
    usually easy. Often encountered with a swarm of Sibelonits

    Boss Sibelon

    BossSibelon.png B-Sibelon.gif

    Boss Sibelon are the harder version of the original
    Sibelon and are found in the Lower Maps.

    Boss Lordakium

    BossLordakium.png B-Lordakium.gif

    Boss Lordakium are very hard Alien to deal with, you will have to be friendly
    with circling tactics to take these off solely.

    Boss Lordakium are also located in:​

    Delta Gate (wave 9)
    Birthday Gate
    Kappa Gate (wave 7)
    Lambda Gate (wave 5)

    Boss Kristallin

    BossKristallin.png B-Kristallin.gif
    Boss Kristallin are the small dark blue aliens that are four times as
    strong as regular Kristallin. They have the same damage as a Kristallon
    but are much faster.

    They also give more rank points than a Cubikon.
    (Cubikon gives 10, Boss Kristallin gives 12)

    Boss Kristallin are located in:​

    Zeta Gate
    Lambda Gate
    Kappa Gate

    Boss Kristallon

    BossKristallon.png B-Kristallon.gif

    Boss Kristallon (also known as BBK) are the four times stronger versions
    of the regular Kristallon. Their appearance is visually different than a
    Kristallon as to them being a much darker blue.

    They are strong Alien to be dealt with as to they deal around
    15k damage every second.

    Boss Kristallon are located in​

    Level Invasion Gate

    Boss StreuneR

    BossStreuneRR.png B-StreuneR8.gif

    Boss StreuneR (also known as upper Streuner) are a boss version of StreuneR and 4
    times as strong. Like the StreuneR, they will not fire on passing players unless
    fired upon first. They have a visual difference when compared to the normal StreuneR,
    in having a slightly bigger alien ship.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 11, 2017
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