bot, botters, bot alert

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by TheDutchAvenger, Sep 12, 2023.

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  1. Botters at 3-8 again. Is there really no way DO can block the train bot?
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  2. They're everywhere bro. Everywhere, BL maps at mindfire, or invoke, or even the damn stroke light so they can kill it faster. 4-5 is full of them, and x-6 maps have them all the time. Every event is full of them, every prime time is full of them. They're not even hiding it, literally naming their accounts "insert name here" and #1-8 or - 16. Blatantly showing us they are using train or trains or whatever it is and even when you report them their response is along the lines of" they've been added to a list". Why not just ban them instantly? We can all provide video proof but they took that ability away from us by not even giving us an option.
  3. Darka does not want to block them, but encourages them to play because, in my opinion, they pay me and they earn from it.
  4. if you were getting a cut $, would you get rid of them? They have always been here and I don't expect any changes. A 3 day ban every once in a awhile means nothing to these guys. Must not be too much $ though, the game is unplayable for all.
  5. i lost con 21 times less than 1 hour cant even do my dailies i dont bot and refuse to spend anythink on a game broken ,,client is crap all promises and faith in game gone ..clear cache bla bla bout time they cleared there cach and rebooted whole game to a full client 6 weeks of a unplayable game yet as soon as u buy stuff like most say it ok then they cant play bigpoint bp are megas rich pull yer fingers out or yer deep holes and sort game or close the dam thing loads even the bots on discord are on about quitting which actually made me laugh as i dont agree with it good bye from a player of over 14 years
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.