Bots and Cheats ...

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    then thats ridiculous i have hundreds of modules and most i have is 25% hon boost .. but regardless of that yes can get 100% ep and hon max 80% from kappa or 4-5 ,but that takes ages and uri ,so hardly possible really day in day out unless they have been botting for yrs and yrs .(which some have i know)..also the ephon booster requires trace to craft it ,you also have to complete the bl mission to be able to craft it in the first place .

    the guy im pointing out is also clanless so no advntage of base boosts ,, could be in outfit tho ,i dunno .. .

    IF you care to read my original satement ,i said the guy is nevr seen on the maps m8 . ive never seen him on strokelight ,mindfire or even invokes m8 .. that brings into another question ..why isnt the low gate and bl gate COUNT shown in the rankings on home page seen as they are permanent gates .

    ALSO i must add if as you say is strokelights ,,what sort of guy plays 24 hrs a day doing strokelights unless its automated . your reply is not well thought out and kinda defending botting .

    please could you screenshot your 63% hon boosters also on the ship modules .
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2023
  2. Excessive

    Excessive User

    If you are on the server I think you are and they banned "all" bots, you'd be Chief General overnight.
    Not that it would be worth anything because there would only be about 10 or 15 players left on the server.

    I thought his reply was accurate.
    Sadly botting is how the game has evolved.
    It may be against the EULA but that doesn't change the fact that if ALL botters were banned - There would be no DarkOrbit.
  3. your right but missunderstanding ,i'm not defending any kind of hack's or automated programs to do players job its out of my nature

    i have a 3x modules 12% HON boost (yellow, green, red)

    36% x 1.75 =63 % of boost for ORCUS
    i'm already catch a NOVA with max posible HONOR perk and upgraded to 5lvl its not best posible combined with XP boost but...

    you actualy missunderstanding the game its not about the HONOR its about the URIDIUM per TIME colected here we go
    efficiency real people can't do only programs

    Last edited: Apr 10, 2023
  4. Dear Sir, stop opposing me and accusing me of something I'm not in, you have absolutely no idea what this game is about and you've just commented on something you don't really understand well or at all
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 10, 2023
  5. AVIT

    AVIT User

    you said you had 63% of honour modules ,or that is what i understood you said

    and by the way mate ,the guy in question over saturday and sunday has played 48 hrs non stop according to dosats info and has racked up another 116 combined total of alpha beta and gamma gates in those 2 days .... that is what i call cheating and how can anyone compete with that !
    his last 24 hrs screenshots [​IMG][​IMG]
    He also manages to find the time to be a 1 star in one other company at the same time ,, probs all 3 .

    as for your strokelight theory ..granted it does give alot of points ,but on my server you are lucky to even get on it before its popped after waiting for it to spawn can be waiting an hr to just get 1 strokelight sometimes .. and mindfire is similar . especially now as the bots are back in force

    i liked it while they were all banned for 3 days ,,it was good and everyone said the same on global on our server .. +the game was not dead as you seem to think it would be .
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2023
  6. Excessive

    Excessive User

    I seriously have no idea what you mean by this.
    Read the post, I actually defended you stance.

    BTW, I've been around this game since 2011.
    I understand exactly how broken it is.

    They banned trains for 3 days, that is very different to banning ALL botters.
    Banning trains is a good thing, banning ALL bots would kill the game.

    Think about how many people you know in the game, then work out how many of those DON'T bot.
  7. AVIT

    AVIT User

    I have no qualms/problems about banning all botters , all the botters that i know on the server i play on know this too ! because im always trying to fight them in maps and global . i think the main difference between me and you is that i socialise with peeps who do not bot and you socialise with people that do !

    i know alot more people that dont bot than those that do and by your posts my conclusion is that if you was on the server i play on i would proberly find you to be a botter .

    TRAINS are back right now and botters never went away ... train users that were caught and the few that actually lost hon ,, kept all there weapons ,all upgrades etc and now there is a pvp event on lmao .. how daft is that ! ANY botter can create a train ,,didnt you know that ??
  8. All the players I know now that bot didn't use to until they saw no one being ban for it so they all started.

    It's funny that the game says no bot's but when they started drone damage was stopped!!!

    Also impossible missions were done easily by all who bot so I am thinking they will never ban them especially when you see them post that they ban some players for cheating the season pass but those who didn't abuse it as much but never the less admitting they abused it at all and nothing was done about them tells me they won't do anything!!
  9. Larrakin

    Larrakin User

    Botters aren't going away, get used to it.
    As for trains, yes they are back - Seems nothing changed.
    As far as "Any botter" creating a train - Of course they can, as long as they own or have access to the accounts to do so.

    I've already deleted 2 accounts, 1 on US and 1 on GE2 because I got tired of battling bots to keep rank - Not advance rank, just keep my 1 star. I've put 12 years into DO only to find my accounts weren't worth playing because I couldn't compete with those online 24/7

    You make a lot of presumptions about someone you don't know anything about.

    Next time you're talking to ALL the people you know that don't bot - Count those around you who do - Pretty sure you'll find you and your "Friends" (who you say don't bot) are a very small minority

    Trying to insist DO ban ALL botters is asking them to close their game.
  10. They did it before and game is still here, sorry I agree with a lot of what you say but I was here before and a lot came back.

    Obviously there is something wrong with BPs game mechanics if they have to rely on players using a bot!!

    If they are using a bot to grow their accounts as it's hard to gain on someone who
    has played for years then they shouldn't be allowed on the leader boards for events.

    What I mean by that is they should have to play the event manually not bot vs bot.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2023
  11. AVIT

    AVIT User

    I do not understand why you say get used to bots ,,why should i ! ,i dont want to play against a programme gaining an unfair advantage over myself and other players .

    DO you know that everyone i have encountered in global saying bots arent going away ,get used to it ,,have been a botter themselves !

    Also i find it highly doubtful you deleted 2 accounts ,that would be a 1st anyway .
  12. AVIT

    AVIT User

    so can i presume your best mate is your robovac
  13. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Exactly and who's to blame for that .. the game team of course for ignoring the botters taking over the game .

    at least the players and friends i knew told me that they were going to , and they know what i think about it ,, i do not socialise with them now .. they hold no grievance towards me , what they are doing they freely admit is wrong ,but no one is stopping them so they do it . some even got bored of cheating and quit the game altogether too coz it was no fun .
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2023
  14. AVIT

    AVIT User

    not all, but some bot for profit (quite alot do actually) and then sell them on to other players .. for example like having one on us server and 1 on ge2 servr and so on .these are the big guys of course ..then they will start botting on little account and do the same eventually..
  15. i have so many videos taken in the past few days of rampant bots on ga1 it's unreal, they just use no honor accounts cuz they dont care about them and shoot everything . just ban them already
    AVIT and Excessive like this.
  16. AVIT

    AVIT User

    exactly mate glad you agree with the real players and not fake ones coming on this topic thread
  17. Larrakin

    Larrakin User

    Ok, look at how the game has evolved. I know for a fact 9 of the top 12 on my server bot.
    I have been watching an account that was created in August 2022, it is now in the top 10 on the server.
    Going from 2019 till now, more than half of the top 20 ships on the server DO NOT belong to the player who created them.

    My server averaged 172 players online daily for the month of March - Of those I'd imagine 150 are botters.

    The gaming industry has evolved, BigPoint hasn't. What they did do was realize many more players bot than play manually and designed the game accordingly.
    We are playing a game run on redundant software that has "maintenance" not "development" - every time they add something "new" to the game it breaks something else. EG, Assembly, has been broken for months with no fix in sight. Random freezes of the browser, causing players to force shut the game and relog. Ships randomly locking up, hotkeys don't work, so you are stuck in X config using X ammo until you can either jump a portal or relog, twice this week it happened to me in EBG. Both times I was on wave 98 (UBK) and stuck using X2 in heart. Support has acknowledged the issue and stated I will be contacted again when it is fixed (That was in January, I'm still waiting, for even an update). That's only a few of the more serious "Bugs" in the game right now. I'm sure other can list more.

    Back in the day we used to do quests, like big pirate quests, in a group. We had fun doing it because we did it together and sat in TS chatting.
    Now, I can't even find 3 other live players to do QZ with. After 6 months of trying I have given up. My account is as developed as it can be unless I choose to join a clan that has botters so I can do Group activities to further develop my account.
    This year so far, I have been able to do ONE Hades gate for the same reason.
  18. AVIT

    AVIT User

    BUT this is only coz they have allowed them to do so with no punishments...
    Guys will bot if they know they can get away with it ,,without fear of losing their account .

    You said to me in a previous post rather rudely i must say ,"bots are here get over it" well yes bots will always be about ,,they were 11yrs ago on this game but at least then they knew the risk and would be banned as the old devs kept on top of it and cared more than the current ones. ..there was not as many botters around then as a result coz they were banned when caught.

    I object to botters not being punished and banned for persistent botting !!

    Just look at the last ban wave ,,there was no bots in sight coz they feared or their accounts for a week ,, the maps were not dead tho ..
    Now all the bots are back as if nothing has happened because not of those banned for 3 dys ,really lost anything from their accounts except a verbal feeble warning ..

    like i said bots are back !
    Trains are back

    so where is the action from the game team ??? they said in forum announcement that if they continue there accounts would be deleted !!

    THIS HAS NOT HAPPENED ... why not game team ???

    Also do you remember the old days when company chat was active ,now it is non existent and slowly global is too ..
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2023
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  19. Excessive

    Excessive User

    They still have the 3 strikes rule for trains, like they had years ago for all botters.
    Hopefully those who continue to use trains after the "warning" ban will get strike 2 and if they still persist, perma banned.

    There were no trains but other solo bots were still abundant on the server I play.

    I do remember those days, I haven't bothered opening the ingame chat for a long time. No point as it never gets used.
    I actually feel sorry for the CM for my server - They must be really bored. You never see them in chat anymore, the days of CM's engaging with players are dead and gone.
    The very rare time Global chat does get used the Chat Algorithm does the banning, no CM needed.
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  20. they need to rework the whole in-game economy, that's why there are so many bots ,once your acc is ufe you can easily farm whatever but it takes ages to get there now with all the extra stuff and the low rates for good modules it takes loads of resources and time which nobody wants to spend in a dead game i guess , understandable since the dev team doesn't care