Bots and Cheats ...

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    all the usual botting accounts that you can see ,non have been banned on ge5 ,those you cannot see such as in the gg's have not been banned also . Meanwhile in venus bl map there are dozens of attends where the mindfire should be or is ,so it has obviously been botted and still is with train usage on it today .
  2. LOL everyone must have got an e-mail saying trains are good to go again as the server is flooded everyone has one now, is the new upgraded DO nobody has to play they can all run bot's and trains without perma bans good job!!!
  3. i understand if they ban everyone there be no 1 left yet these who abuse day in day out for a crappy badge isnt allowing som of us even to compete .everytime theres a event the botts lag the hell out of game som ways i dont blame them for cheating but give us honest 1s a chance in game..i say this ie game is far to dear to buy stuff i use to spend loads now i earn everythink in my free time to prove a point its possible .dark ornit ie bigpoint or who ever owns it now really need to stop banning the noobs and hit hard on events wer so many take millions of uri gate threw bots and god knows wat else its a joke end off ..14 years of playing on and off i have records and they do not keep to t and cs there selves we have players mods smods who have a noth prove to shut em down threw there lies trust me they need to pull there fingers out of there back sides and sort it or ip banss they can foget that it will hit home and they will be getting locked up and sadly this game will end
  4. Ya like all the spearheads flying around in moth, you shoot them and they take little to none damage and they hit clear through your shields and wipe you out easily funny wonder if they just make their own modules?
    I would like to know how to get some of those seems some players don't matter what ship they use they are all faster stronger and somehow lock you while cloaked or in the middle of a pact they seem to have the ability to write their own program for BP and run it!!!
    Game is just out of control one can't tell anymore who is legit and who is running all the cheats and trains gaining massive to build their accounts isn't fair to any player.
    Although we all know talking about it isn't doing anything they just keep creating more bot's to use for trains and BP does nothing to them when they get caught so why stop there isn't any punishment for them just false threats from BP that never follow through!!!
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2024
  5. madhatter2

    madhatter2 User

    theve been threatening to ban accounts for ages, all they do is take honour off them, what a joke....
  6. Kyro

    Kyro User

    "Players that could be detected again after being warned during one of the last ban waves get their account permanently closed. But this warning is not necessarily done when we detect players breaking the T&C several times during the detection period. In this case, the account will be closed without any warning."

    At least to me, that sounds like they are giving perma bans out... but clearly still just not enough(well also in general of detecting/catching then banning them etc). Though still better than it used to be, when there wasn't regular ban waves unless were happening without any announcements. (at least in the sense doing it more regularly)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2024
  7. Its so laughable. ANY player can see the issues on the HITAC in b-maps. If you just watch the hornets swarming on the 1 attack. The Hitac melts under the combined fire.

    Spearheads can roll up and pop Fully upgraded ships with no issue.

    There hasnt been any game moderation in a long while.
  8. AVIT

    AVIT User

    soory i disagree with you there was none on the server thhat play on banned on that wave ,and onloy a total of 10 across all servers to the best of my knowledge . all i have seen since that last ban wave is loads of new bots appear with names at least i have never seen on the maps before . unlerss of course perm bans do not show up on do stats .. ONE THING the darkorbit team could do is to announce offiacially on the forums who has been banned and who is on warnings .. WHICH they should do but NEVER do .
    jayherbo, Star*Fire and Kyro like this.