
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by K.I.D.S, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. K.I.D.S

    K.I.D.S User

    Whenever I log on and press start, it takes around 10 minutes to get my do client to work so I can see my ship, and I have to re open around 5 times so it works. Any reasons why and how can I get rid of it?
  2. Happens to me but all I do is close the browser all together and restart it but i have no proper solution for this sorry :L
    K.I.D.S likes this.
  3. K.I.D.S

    K.I.D.S User

    Its ok but not even working at all now
  4. ~Morph33~

    ~Morph33~ User

    Happened to me too. I kinda found a way to get it to work. What you must do is keep that window/tab open until it connects, you have to be PATIENT and just stare until it opens. Should not take more than 30seconds. This method works on chrome and forefox for me, and if i do not wait then it doesn't log in, both browsers.

  5. Hello there,

    may i ask do you clear your cache and flash player on a regular basis. If you require to reset them then there are redirects in my sig to assist. If this does not work for you then please do return to this thread.

    Does the OP (Origianl Poster) have any further questions?