Bug Negative Honour!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SiLєnT, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. SiLєnT

    SiLєnT User

    Hello, having war with own company bring us negative honour.

    This is a pretty old bug! When, in a fight a player of same company leaves the clan you have war with, u take him with - honour! Some players have lost millions, WHEN it will be fixed?
  2. Hello SiLєnT

    Moving to a more appropriate section for further assistance.

    From: General Issues
    To: Technical Issues
  3. burkey

    burkey User

    This doesn't sound like a bug.... If that player is no longer a member of the clan you are at war with then that now makes him a friendly!

    Changing this would be unfair for someone who leaves a clan because they don't want a war
  4. SiLєnT

    SiLєnT User

    You don't understand.. During a fight, means when u shoot him, he instantly goes out of clan, and u make friendly kill! It is not fair!
  5. sucks to suck. now stop whining
  6. I under stand what he is saying sometimes the tag stays on after they leave the clan until next re-log at that time they are friendly but there tag says they are red. I have seen this also but not to the magnitude he is talking about in the millions of neg honor.
  7. burkey

    burkey User

    Ok, so now that is crappy then, should be on next map re-log so they cant be fighting

    Star-Saber, he is not saying millions for one kill but accumulated loss of honor
  8. You could exploit this by continuously entering and leaving a clan...
  9. A noob wouldn't understand this. When at war, a player will leave the clan while dying or going to die so the warred player shooting them gets negative honor as it still shows a red tag on their screen.

    Get your facts straight before acting like you know what is going on. This does need to change, I have lost honor to it, and I have made sure to make those players and their clans suffer.
  10. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    This is not a bug. If you pop a player that is not in a clan and you are the aggressor, then you receive own company kill penalties. The weaker players can use this tactic to deter stronger players / clan from bullying weaker ships.

    The simple Fix is stop popping same company ships when your own company ship kill count is high.
  11. Or they can fix this thing with people leaving clan to give their killer negative honor.
  12. Hello SiLєnT,

    Thank you everyone for your assistance. If you know of a player purposely using a glitch (Like a clan tag taking awhile to disappear) to benefit them in making their enemies loose honor...then you need to copy that players name, time, & date and report them to support. Please do not post names and etc here in forums. This issue needs to be handled by support. There is a direct link to support under my signature below. If you are unable to see my signature, then please click the "Help" tab in the upper right corner of your backpage, followed by the "Support" link. Thank you.

    Closed ~ Referred to support.

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