bug no change servers in unity

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by recursos☺☺, Sep 15, 2024.

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  1. BUg no change servers in unity
  2. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Sounds like referring to this, but yup I've noticed as well that the server menu(globe thing) does not open on "Unity 1" server... so can't change server again that way.

    Probably too late for you to do this aka been too long/closed window etc, but for anyone else (that not aware) you can get back on previous server by right mouse click > then click on "Back" until you are on your previous server again. If end up going too far back end up on login page etc,then of course click "Forward". (for anyone not confident with this, but just really want to have a look yourself what not, then at least maybe use an account don't care if gets stuck lol)

    After make sure to click the globe again and select any server again, so next time you login it wont try to log you into Unity 1. (thats how it works as far as I have seen)


    May take a while to load after click "Back", but can tell by looking at the tab at top if still loading(should not see that icon/"image" what not when still loading):

    Last edited: Sep 15, 2024
  3. Hawkurus

    Hawkurus User

    I am also stuck in the unity server, Kyro, i followed your instructions, but that is not working. When i close and open DO, i even select other servers, it still takes me back to unity. Inside the Unity server it wont let me click on the server icon to change back to other servers.
  4. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Yeah, once you have closed the client or just been too long(login session expired), what I said wont work. (since "Back" is just going to previous pages you've been on, that it has a "history" of)

    Though otherwise far as can tell it normally does work fine to not get stuck etc, and I've just tried it again myself just now to see if still works fine. (at least dunno why it would be different for some people, as in not work if done right)

    That "URL" thing*(assume mean) also just changes the login page to that servers "login page" URL address(from what know), but that from what always seen never actually logs you into that server. (as in the one you select on that/login page you are on, it just logs you into previous server was on/clicked on the server menu)

    *From what remember off Discord or something, this was added so can use when the main "Darkorbit.com" what not login page doesn't work, for whatever reason.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2024