Can not establish connection

Discussion in 'Technical Event Issues' started by TheDutchAvenger, Aug 18, 2023.

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  1. bez-xx

    bez-xx User

    Unable to connect to game window 30.08.-31.08. , and it turns out that I'm in the game
  2. I got the same issue, suddently got an error called ''error:error'' and it disconnected my ship from spacemap. Have tried with 2 pc and doesnt work on either. Can login with my other account just fine. cant even change ships in backpage.
    Did you have a roaming title when you disconnected? I had ''goli-hunter'' in case they made a mistake during the update.
  3. DrillON

    DrillON User

    Cant play game is so slow you lagy takes ten mins to kill a simian crap sick of it.
  4. It doesn't really matter the game is sided towards the bot's anyways, they ban them and a couple days later they are all at the same rank they were before the ban and they all still do the same thing anyways BP bans towards cheaters are a joke "Hence the reason nobody cares if they get ban".
  5. **silver**

    **silver** User

    dark orbit need a sync every 6 hours of game,otherwise we have same problems.......i hope the events stop as sooon as possible....boys and these idiots npcs are terrible for not let us playing!!!!
  6. Mao»PAK«

    Mao»PAK« User

    same i cant login last 48 hours i pick up ''goli-hunter''
  7. You need to change title in backpage to something else, that fixed it. They most likely made an mistake with the update.
  8. Mao»PAK«

    Mao»PAK« User

    thanks bro its ok now thanks for help