Cannot find my account.

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by nobodyswagg, Feb 9, 2025.

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  1. So i just restarted playing after 15 years or so. Kinda remember the game from gaming in the library lmao.
    So i stared an account about 3 days ago and there was some lags in the server side, i tought i would swap it to something like EU west or something. I have to start again from scratch. I mean, i dont want to do that and want to switch back to the initial account, but there is none. I tried seeing it on website since it states it "Hilights servers i have an account on"
    Nothing is highlighted...
    Am i missing something? I truly didnt pay attention on what server i played before.
  2. AVIT

    AVIT User

    you will need to login with your original account ,(name and password ) if you can remember it ..or try support ticket with email you first registered all those yrs ago to use that account