cant log in

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by PacificNW, Mar 29, 2024.

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  1. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    3:45 pm pacicific time.

    can't log in for last 15 minutes. wont establish connection.

    MURDERaSTAR[ĐΣŦĦ] likes this.
  2. Dr.Ruppel

    Dr.Ruppel User

  3. same here, havent been able to get connection for 45 minutes now.
  4. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    leave it to DO to take money but not give anything back
  5. Me too
    ☺chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  6. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    yep, there go the boosters
  7. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    and still cant get connection
  8. cant fix simple connection issues, dont care about players
  9. we are in 2024, some of us registered to this game since 06 and still yall cant get the basics fixed.
  10. also can't connect for the past hour.
  11. I have tried different servers, cleared my cache, restarted my computer and router, sacrificed a goat, chanted the sacred chants, married the neighbors ugly daughter, gassed up my Tesla and STILL can't get logged on.
  12. ...meanwhile the bots that never log off are continuing to gain points and rank.
    mxmumefort likes this.
  13. Same here.....
    mxmumefort likes this.
  14. DrillON

    DrillON User

    If you manage to log in there's nothing working no missions no gates dam
  15. Every weekend this game is a letdown can't login to both my accounts since server restart.
    This is why i buy nothing from them they can't even make sure the game runs and look at the money they make it's just sad!!!
    WRINKLEFREE and Seraphim like this.
  16. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Did they lose another "Satelloon"o_O, maybe it's the "Cloud" underwater:D, modern technology:rolleyes:
    Pif-Paf-Dead likes this.
  17. hi friends sad to say after 15 mins of game play connection gone almost got all my dailies done .dark orbit need to realize they got a very popular game but during week most us dont get time to play,yet wend we look forward to playing loads of grt deals and so on .sadly every wend for last 7 weeks now cant play cause problems i wont pay while this keeps happening.its about time ge5 got fixed im very disapointed ..its easter ..pls fix our game thanku
    WRINKLEFREE likes this.
  18. It's the exact same problem as last time BP only put's a bandaid on every thing never a fix some maps work others don't what a joke!!
  19. **silver**

    **silver** User

    welcome on DO heaven ^^
  20. yay we'll put an event on, but you wont be able to get connected, pathetic.