cant log in

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by PacificNW, Mar 29, 2024.

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  1. My ship is in 2-7 and I can not log in either but I can in my other accounts please fix this

    nvm cant log in in any my accounts now
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 30, 2024
  2. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    For some reason I managed to establish connection on my PC (I have a mid toward high end PC) but on my laptop (old work laptop, company allowed me to keep it, no significant performances, but could run DO relatively well) it just won't establish connection. Just sharing my experience on the matter, hope they won't gear-gate this gate
  3. cant establish connection
  4. scalffy

    scalffy User

    So we cannot log on yet again'. And guess what Big pont dont look at theese messages so what the point of having a forum .such a joke unereal
  5. It has nothing to do with that some maps work some don't try the same ship on laptop will probably work.
    I can login 5-2 and 3-6 only any ship on any other maps won't establish connection.
    ZabusXant likes this.
  6. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    I just noticed that. 1-8, 1-4 and 1-3 were okay. When I ported from 1-3 to 1-2, it froze.

    EDIT: I hope they take care of this by tomorrow, I have gates to finish for double rewards. not even the jump CPU to 1-1 doesn't work.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2024
  7. Grandpa_II

    Grandpa_II User

    same glad i dint buy anything b4 i tryed logging in
  8. Same here in Britain. I attempted to get on this morning, around 10 am to do Dispatch and I could not establish a connection.

    I had a circuit training class at 11:15 am so I was not coming on to play anyway but I am home now, 2:30 pm, had my lunch and I am still unable to establish a connection.

    Little point puts this down to attacks on the servers, ddos attacks?

    "DDoS Attack means "Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack" and it is a cyber crime in which the attacker floods a server with internet traffic to prevent users from accessing connected online services and sites"

    These attacks are being perpated by one or more individuals whom "play" Dark Orbit but have most likely just been banned as part of a ban wave so this is what they do to little point in revenge.

    Little point needs to stop being weak and pathetic and lean a lot more to the right politically, get tough and bring in local law enforcement cyber crime unit to catch these criminals and prosecute them, and then ban them for life from the game.

    A prison sentence will surely make these cheating players think that a criminal record is not worth attacking a game over a ban for their cheating. *Shrugs and rolls eyes*

    Sadly, little point are taking a few leaves out the the USA democrat book on not punishing people for their crimes, letting them get away with their crimes and to keep committing their crimes!

    Surely the folk at little point can see the importance of taking proper action against the cheating players and their attacks on the servers while also restoring things like Galaxy Gate building and Dispatch to the "back page" so we can still sort out Dispatch at least but little point prefer their terrible ideas to leaving things how they were.

    Now I am off to play the original Star Wars Battlefront on my PC where there is no cheating and server attacks while the people at little point are so far left they'll never learn.

  9. Simply clear cache and RAM!
  10. Support, network and management at the company could care less. After years of watching the pattern of non-enforcement and code sharing/outside app protection its clear.

    You will get treated worse for calling out the issues than the ones actually doing it. The last event was clear. I was defrauded as I bought a season pass and expected to use what I paid for. It didnt work over a week. Support/management said yet again to bad we dont give a hoot. Meanwhile every. single. day. the same ships were rocking escort maps.

    Proof is in the actions.
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  11. well time to get out the ATV and go for a run in the med and snow. IRL for the weekend.

    med? damn keyboard MUD is what was in my brain
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 30, 2024
  12. RaptorXXI

    RaptorXXI User

    USA West. Still spinning on establishing a connection. 11:17am Pacific time zone.
  13. same here with 5-2 log-in. all is good. not leaving this map, tho.
  14. better get reimburstment for your event for box doubler and premium and rebate, piece of trash game establisment.
  15. tried jumping out of 5-2 - can't. now I can't change ship since not at base. locked out of game now. if you're in 5-2, just stay there.
  16. XadowMonk

    XadowMonk User

    What in the castle of grey skull is going on with the game the last cpl of days?
  17. 5mins of game play game broken yet again wat [REMOVED]
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 31, 2024
  18. I know DarkOrbit is a game of chance, but the chance of getting on in the first place is taking it a little too far lol
    DragonDEMON™ and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  19. this game is ********
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  20. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Does anyone even work here? too many coffee breaks!