Capture the Beacon FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User


    Located on each X-2 Map are two Enemy Company beacons:
    1-2 - VRU and EIC Beacon
    2-2 - MMO and VRU Beacon
    3-2 – MMO and EIC Beacon

    capture the beacon 01.jpg

    How to play:

    Players need to invade the enemy maps and steal their company's Beacon, and then return it to their own home X-2 Map.

    Note: (the beacon must reach the area where the other 2 enemy Beacons were placed).

    You cannot pick up enemy company's Beacons; only Beacons belonging to your company can be picked up.
    If you find YOUR company's Beacon sitting alone in another map, you can pick it up and carry it on.

    Beacons not picked up within a short time after being dropped by a player, will return back to the original enemy map.

    EIC – Will need to steal the Beacons from maps 1-2 and 3-2.
    MMO – Will need to steal the Beacons from maps 2-2 and 3-2.
    VRU - Will need to steal the Beacons from maps 1-2 and 2-2.

    Enemy companies will fight to keep that Beacon, so know that they will try and kill you.

    There are no free repairs during this event, and your ship will take drone damage if killed.
    However, if you are actually holding the Beacon at the time of your destruction, then your repair IS free.

    Every time a Beacon is brought back to its Home map from an enemy map, that Home map company will receive 1 point.

    The Company scoring the most points will win the daily prize.

    Prizes are not a guarantee from this thread, but an example, the prizes will depend on what is being offered for that event at that time.

    10% increased price for selling ore (valid for 1 day).
    10% increase in Bonus Box loot (this will increase all the contents of bonus boxes, except for Gate Gate energies).
    10% more Experience (it will not be displayed/added to your boosters). This bonus will be automatically applied to all NPCs and enemies killed by any player in the winning company.

    *** Please note, these are just examples; and they DO NOT get added to, or change, the prize being offered ***
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
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