Cargo Loot

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Explosivo55, Jun 22, 2024.

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  1. So it's so annoying when defeating these UBER NPC's that offer Xenomit in the loot, to be offered a pirate booty box instead, and its not like the pirate booty boxes on the map are the left overs from someone else, as these only stay on the map as long as a cargo loot does.

    Please for the love of all things sane, take this outta the game, i want my cargo from the time spent destroying these
    PacificNW and KilerStreak like this.
  2. I want this as well. As far as I could tell, Green & Gold booty boxes dropped by NPCs have zero reward differences from those that spawn in.
  3. Yeah that would be something to consider getting them in place of cargo if they offered better rewards but as you can get them easily enough anyways, getting one for loot is such a kick in the teeth
    KilerStreak likes this.