CBS Guide and info

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by patch97, Mar 17, 2014.

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  1. patch97

    patch97 User


    Since a lot of questions are asked on the forum regarding CBS modules and answers are limited, I thought id make a guide explaining modules and different base setups.

    The modules

    RAM-MA: Pros- Decent damage. Reliable. Cons: Terrible rate of fire.
    RAM-LA: Pros- Excellent damage. Good range. Cons: Unreliable. Bad fire rate.
    LTM-LR: Pros- Good damage. Good fire rate. Cons: Awful range and bad accuracy.
    LTM-MR: Pros: Decent damage. Decent fire rate. Decent accuracy. Cons: Below average range.
    LTM-HR: Pros: Brilliant range. Good accuracy. Cons: Below average damage and slow fire rate.
    REPM-1: Pros: Passivley repairs all modules. Cons: Will be targeted.

    The boosters boost your clans ships. But beware, they will be targeted.

    Base setups

    1- Safe spot

    This base is to provide a spot where your company can sit safely and pop npcs.

    Modules: 4x RAM-MA 3x LTM-HR 1x LTM-MR (Swap for rep at prime)

    Pros: Good sustained damage. High damage. Reliable hits.

    Cons: General slow fire rate. No boosters

    Station rating: Good

    Damage potential: Excellent

    2-Balanced base

    This base has a balance between boosters and offense.

    Modules: 2x RAM-MA 3x LTM-HR 1x RAM-MA (Swap for rep at prime) 1x DMG Module. 1x Honor module.

    Pros: Good clan boosts. Above average damage.

    Cons: Modules spaced out at prime. Low fire rate. Low rockets so countered by spectrum.

    Station rating: Excellent

    Damage potential: Good
    3- Stupidly high burst damage station

    This station is designed to do high damage in a short space of time

    Modules: 6xRAM-MA 1x DMG Module 1x LTM-MR (Swap for rep at prime)

    Pros: Stupidly high burst damage. Reliable hits. Anti spectrum

    Cons: Bad sustained damage. Low fire rate. lacks lasers.

    Station rating: Average. Fits a certain purpose.
    Damage potential: Excellent

    4- Full boost station

    This station is designed to provide full boosters for the clan

    Modules: 3x LTM-HR 1x RAM-MA 1x RAM-LA (swap for rep at prime) 1x XPM Module 1x DMGM module 1x XPM Module

    Pros- Provides good boosters.

    Cons- Little damage output. Slow fire rate. Weak overall station. Modules at risk.

    Station rating: Good but At risk.
    Damage potential: Low

    The next step with this thread: Ill try and do some test on modules and get there average hit and how much they miss. I have already done this with a RAM-LA (Level 1).


    Accuracy: 53 hits/47 misses (53%)
    Average hit: Around 51k
    Rockets tested: 100
    Average fire rate: 1 rocket every 4 seconds.
    Module rating: Average
    Review: Whilst the LA Hits a lot, its really slow fire rate lets it down. and its avarage hit is 1 every eight seconds.

    LTM-LR (1)

    Accuracy: Untestable*
    Average hit: around 15k
    Lasers tested: Untestable*
    Fire rate: Approximately once every 1.5 seconds
    Module rating: Bad
    Review: This module fired pretty fast, however it has poor range and i could shoot it without it shooting me. Its damage is pretty poor and countered by the spectrum pretty hard.

    Screenshot of LTM-LR Hits:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    LTM-MR (1)

    Accuracy: Untestable* (Average one shot every 2-3 seconds, dynamic)
    Average hit: Around 24k
    Lasers tested: Untestable* Unknown amount fired.
    Fire rate: Approximately once every 2.5 seconds
    Module rating: Average
    Review: This module was OK, however i think the LTM-HR is still better for its increased range and its higher initial damage, people aint gonna be sitting on your base for long so its better to do a high amount of damage in a short amount of time, its an improvement from the LR laser mod though.

    Screenshot of LTM-MR Hit:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    RAM-MA (1)

    Accuracy: So far around 12 Hits/7 Misses, will get more results soon!
    Average hit: I saw lows of 35k and highs of 47k, around 41k was the average.
    Fire rate: 1 Every 4 Seconds
    Module rating: Good
    Review: Pretty reliable in terms of hits, hit me more times than it missed, for this module to shine i recommend putting 4+ of these on a cbs, this way when people run onto a base they get quick reliable hits from rockets, cannot be mitigated by a spectrum either. Damage is average overall.

    Screenshot of RAM-MA Hit:
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    *These aspects where untestable because with the rocket modules, you can see when a rocket is fired and if the projectile misses, with a laser the intervals between firing are different and it doesnt show if the laser Misses or hits, you only know if it hits by the damage counter. The fire rate was estimated only when the module hit consecutively. And the minimum time was 2 seconds.

    In conclusion, the choice to make with a clan battle station is, Do you want high initial damage? But over time you wont hit as much? Do you want a mix of both? or do you want Low, yet sustained damage over time modules? For good intitial damage, the RAM-MA/LA Modules excel at this, as well at the LTM-HR, for Mid/sustained but still good damage, the LTM-MR and RAM-MA's do well. For a damage over time prospective, the LTM-LR modules as well as the LTM-MR do good damage over a period of time, 8 RAM-MA's would do approximately 320-350k damage if they all fire together AND if they all hit, rocket modules are very unreliable. However, 8 LTM-LR's will hit 120k if they all fire together, however over 4 seconds, they will hit 480k, whilst the Rockets are still yet to fire again, a choice to make with modules.

    I will update this with more module tests when I have time.

    Hope you liked it :)
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2014
  2. patch97

    patch97 User

    Updated, starting to add screenshots now.
  3. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Pretty helpful thread, I'd say
  4. Hmm, yes, I like this, hope it gets completely done ;D
  5. Great info, but is there any way to simply turn off the CBS before it gets annihilated ?
  6. So any more info regarding base setups? lets say i have a damage module on and want to surround it with the best rockets and lasers for best initial damage in a short period of time. What would would be the best setup for that?
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 14, 2014
  7. patch97

    patch97 User

    Best potential damage? 1 DMG Mod + 7 RAM-LAs
    Best Reliable damage? 1 DMG Mod + 3 RAM-MAs + 4 LTM-HRs
    A mix of both? 1 DMG Mod+ 2 RAM-LA's+1 RAM MA + 4 LTM-HR's

    For the first suggestion (Best potential) only 4 of the 7 will hit on average (In my opinion+test results) so for best initial damage, you are best going for the reliable modules what have average hits, rather than bulky modules what have massive hits, but dont hit that much.
  8. do you have any info on the repm-1 module like does it rep hp or just shields and how quickly
  9. ill have to get two more of the RAM -MA's to lvl 16, the modules i have now are 2 lvl 16 LTM-LRs 4 lvl 16 RAM-LAs 1 lvl16 RAM-MA
    2 lvl 16 LTM-HR's 1 lvl 12 LTM-MR a lvl 16 dmg and a level 16 rep and several of all the modules lvl 10 based on what i have now how would you use these modules? ive tried numerous setups and positioning just curious to see what you think
  10. jacktatt

    jacktatt User

    Its reps HP, shields regen by themselves, not sure on any numbers though.

    I would use the LTM-MR (That seems to have the most consistent damage output, Both of the LTM-HR's, the RAM-MA, And the RAM-LA's, the LR's are pretty useless, they miss a lot, dont hit a lot and have pretty crap range tbf, since there level 16 they may be passable.

    Id position 3 lasers at each end of the base, Much like a triangle...Ill make a base for you right now how you should position your modules in my opinion. Also, only have the rep on at prime time, take it off when the base is shielded, replace the LR with the rep at prime.

    Edit: I am the OP, i just accidentally created this thread on that account and just replied to it using that account, if you want my opinion, id level your RAM-MA's and scrap the 2 LA's, they hit a lot, but they are inaccurate,

  11. This set up has worked out very well actually, i used my 2 la rockets till i got my MA leveld both worked really well. If you got anymore suggestions for base setups let me know

    Can you show me the best placement of modules on a base for 3MA's, 1LA, 3HR and 1MR
    Last edited by moderator: May 19, 2015
  12. Gunstar, do you need this info so that not only can you pop afk players in palla and remain in a clan that pops its own companies players and CBS' but also to get the best CBS formations? Just curious.
  13. Well they are no battle stations in palla, so no worries there for afk players who never log out while cloaked, wonder how that works hmm. and i dont pop my own company if i can help it, 33 friendly players destroyed in 4 years most of them the 3 years i was in mmo and they were all home clan members. The Formations for bases are for my own interests as im always trying to make my stations better. If you didn't like getting popped in palla then please message support and tell them you want quests in 5 maps removed from game, sadly until then you prolly should try to avoid sitting afk for long periods of time. You're also not the only one to ever get popped afk in palla ive been popped plenty of times and never complained about it so suck it up and stop acting like you the only one.
    -Tom_Sawyer- likes this.
  14. Hey im just getting it out there, and i know im not the only one as low players like you pop people in palla all the time. Me, ive never popped anyone off a cube and never popped anyone in palla EVER, when i get boosters and ammo i wait in BMPs. Anywho back on track, how are those formations workin out for ya?
  15. thank you it was really helpful
  16. Hi Patch
    I have to say thanks alot for starting the thread I have a small clan and have had no idea as what to do, there's lot's to adsorb,
    2 questions if you don't mind; (1) is it worth making a CBS with basic modules? I ask as I don't have a clue as to the effectiveness against a strong player / players. (2) If i was to build a CBS is there a designated location or just any random one? I ask as most locations have some level of build in progress....thanks in-advance "My level of Intel on this is Novice lol"
  17. IF the Clan is not strong enough to protect the CBS then it is a waste of time to build one. The location is best suited for the map you play in the most as the benefits of the defense of the Clan Members is best used this way. A level 1 CBS is easily destroyed but a Level 16 does not stand a chance against a targeted strike either. A cloaked group can stack, attack the Hull Module and even fully protected (entire company helping) be destroyed in 30 seconds, when the shields are down for regeneration.

    The fact the CBS has been started has nothing to do with whether you build one or not until the last module is placed and the build is activated, the rock is free game, however you might want to speak to the other clan before actually taking their desired location as they may send WAR to take it from you.
    I-BOT-KILLER likes this.

  18. Many thanks for replying it's quite a big learning curve but I suppose will get there in the end,
    If the base get's destroyed does that mean all the modules including any upgraded have to be replaced with new or do they regenerate?
    Thanks in-advance for your help.
  19. After the modules are destroyed they are returned to the owners inventory and need to be repaired before they can be re-installed or upgraded. They do not loose their upgrade status, just costs Uridium to repair them.

  20. Brilliant many thanks - Happy Hunting.