CBS Guide and info

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by patch97, Mar 17, 2014.

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  1. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    HP increased to 1.560.000 (this is +50% over previous one)
    Base damage increased to 59,850
    Upgrade base price: 50 Uridium
    Range: 590
    Hitchance: 90

    HP increased to 1.560.000 (this is +50% over previous one)
    Base damage increased to 48.450
    Upgrade base price: 50 Uridium
    Range: 650
    Hitchance: 70

    HP increased to 1.560.000 (this is +50% over previous one)
    Base damage increased to 28.500 (this is +50% over previous one)
    Upgrade base price: 50 Uridium
    Range: 720
    Hitchance: 60

    Please correct.... U're giving wrong information.

    If u want to make some informative post/guide about CBS's, atleast make sure u read everything properly, so u dont give false information.
  2. All lasers shoot every secound, all rockets shoot every 3 secounds. All bases are killable, you must have citadel and spearhead on the base, plus you must have double number of players to defend it, if you say thats not true attacked all i can say is, attacker don't know how to kill base.
    Base isn't circle its ellipse because of that on the sides should be weapon with more range, that means you must have LTM-HR, LTM-MR, RAM-LA and RAM-MA, just rocket isn't good for defend, yes its good against spectrum but it shoot every 3 secounds whats is terible if many ships attack it. You must set it up well so 1 ship can't alone destroy in 30min.
    LTM-LR is really bad, you must be in range of plt-2021 I believe to take dmg from it, even dmg is good its easy to avoid take dmg from it.

    Boost of 50% on HP and DMG is good but I still believe that HULL HP is still low it should be more, 50-100% more than is now.
  3. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Situational i would say.

    LTM-LR is the best when ur enemy tries to rush/kill the hull of ur base without bringing any spectrum to tank.
  4. yes LR only if you sit on base and protect hull but i wanna say that LR can't defend itself.

    Spectrum to tank, thats why I said spearhead and citadel must be on base if enemy know what doing beause 9m dmg is really easy to do even with buff on moduls its not enough to blow up enemy ship.
  5. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    No base configuration can defend itself alone... if u leave ur base alone, it will die to even 1 ship.