CBS in 5-3

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ḎⱥᶉᶄẞḷѳѳԀ, Aug 20, 2014.

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  1. Your facts are so far off, it's pathetic. First of all, i play GA1, the lag there is a server problem, we've been complaining for months. I already stated the perfect facts about why 4-x maps have bases and PIRATE MAPS do not... Maybe if you noobs were more focused on facts and not crying you'd know these things.
    Anyways, GA1, one of the most populated, if not THE MOST, servers on DO, it's also one of the oldest. It gets maintenance once every 2-3 months, so nothing is done to fix problems, which even after the last maintenance, there were still massive issues. The pirate maps on my server are loaded with people. 5-3? It can have up to 100-200 players at a time on GA1. 5-2 has loaded up to over 50 players shooting npcs.
    Crazy cubes? Everyone has lag on that with so many prots on it, and it gets slightly worse when all those players are spamming kami on crazy cubes making the prots explode causing a bit of more lag.
  2. 1) stop getting so defensive its just a debate
    2) what exactly are "us noobs" "crying" about?
    3) what is your point? lag is the problem? lag is the problem for everyone not just your server. no matter what happens there will always be lag but as you already know bigpoint don't seem to be fixing this problem therefore its now in your hands which is why i said get a better computer or try and improve your internet
  3. I have good internet, and my laptop runs perfectly fine on most servers i play, i can even go on West with graphics all the way up and play without skipping across maps like it's hop scotch.

    Either way, again, you're being a crying noob, with your tears making it hard to read.
    5-x maps are PIRATE maps, not EIC, MMO, or VRU. The PIRATES are suppose to be a force to reckon with. Not just take a base in the most important map out of the 3. Try using your heads instead of your noob instincts of wanting more for your benefit.
  4. 1) good for you if you dont lag on west
    2) how am I crying? chill out dude its just a debate
    3) Same with 4-5 though? And "Try using your heads instead of your noob instincts of wanting more for your benefit." whats that supposed to mean? Instead of trying to slyly insult me why dont you try an win this debate with logic and reason.
  5. I already won with logic and reason. and 4-5 is not a pirate map it's a battle map. battle maps are not owned by any faction. the pirates maps are technically like a 4th company but one that's against all 3 and not there to play nice. THAT is the logic and reason, you scrubs have failed to notice.
  6. Pirate owned maps shouldn't get battle stations. I don't think so.
  7. Then where are the pirate CBS?! I go and blow it up :oops: spawn and a big FAT battleray :p
  8. Omega

    Omega User

    no/ its a pirate map , it would give too much of an advantage , I kill in paladium, a clan could just make a base ,get 10% dmg, and just repair there .go straight in , its already protected by a mine field . uncloak field, loads of npcs , and again its a pirate map , also 5-2 already has a base . and also u have to be a noob to even think this is a good idea . unless you want the dominating clan on you server to have a base there and kill the whole map every time
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
  9. The base wouldn't be in palladium if you read the first post it would be up around top left corner IN the mines so i imagine the base their has mines on it too or it doesnt have mines in it at all.
    Top clan on the server dominates any map it wants to even if they have a base in a different map so that point is invalid.
    They can't "go straight in" cos ur jump cpu doesnt allow you to jump into pirates and also they'd have to fly over to base then fly down to pally. And anyway can't players just repair at portal and "go straight in"?
    So what if 5-2 has a base what about 1-6? 1-8 already has a base so whats that got to do with it?
    Loads of npc? what about 4-5?
    And also you don't have to be a noob to think its a good idea... Insults in an argument= you've ran out of points to counter with.
    This is a dying pvp game. Good battles are so rare you normally have to organise them yourself because as i just said, the game is dying. But this would light a new candle as everyone would want this base in 5-3 and so there would be more pvp...
  10. top clans on GA1 dont dominate a damn thing, matter of fact it's just a massive war of bug using and pansies hiding in ports. The base would still be unfair and top left corner is protected by mines but no mines inside the base. still unfair.
  11. A big fat no.

    Because , in 5-3 , you should mess with devastating Annihilators , a lot of Barracudas ... plus you should careful about S-UFE , UFE users on map , plus you should watch Battleray and kill him (When you go Battleray , you should take care of rival users + Annihilators too)

    If CBS came to 5-3 , this will make map better hot. That means when DemZone (Demilitarized zone) disappear , you can't stand there 1 minutes or more ...

    So , no.
  12. It is a 'pirate' CBS - no other Company can build in the 5-3 map. Of course it is surrounded by mines. You think pirates are stupid? They are defending themselves.
  13. Omega

    Omega User

    u still have mines , players are attacked my npc all the time , you can go straight it . when u have a ship there ,just switch hangers , and warp ,there's a base in 5-2 , by which I mean ,if you want to have another dmz zone go there and stay there , and its a pirate map . not a battle map or a company map .so no .4-5 is a battle map again not a pirate map , not a dying pvp game , noobs that never want to fight in a map . and only collect stuff in the game so they never know how to use , are killing the game , and again on my serve you don;t have to really . we just war all the clans and fight them all ,you want really good fights ,go solo hunting .like I do , and fught with a few players at a time ,you'll see and not everyone wants a base there on my server , 5-1-2-3 are kinda empty . 1 . can't be afk anymore ,2 we kill them all ,3 they finally got the point that if you just collect and don't spend , you won't do anything , and most of us hate those maps
  14. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    There are no words to describe how vexed I feel when someone brings in their 'oh eic this, vru that, mmo this' based on their own server gook into an update and idea thread. Keep your server based opinions to yourself thank you. We all want to say what's on our mind with the same respect but we can easily avoid pinpointing certain companies as the 'bad people'.

    On topic now,
    Baaaaad idea. I hope this gets through to you OP-san but it's a PIRATE map. If you've ever heard of friendly pirates who welcome complete strangers to build a fortress in their territory, it's no doubt fiction.

    In my opinion the 5-2 base is also illogical but no point complaining. BP are incorrigible in some respect.
  15. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I just think pirates made from guys in different companies more friends between them and that means "killing game". eic started attackin me and vrus without clan repping them ,so tell me , what can i do ?
  16. `Luke

    `Luke User

    Well I would like a pirate base on 5-3 that belongs to the pirates. While being defended by the pirates. That would be cool.
  17. You notice the Battleray has no mines, just it's protectors of interceptors. If the CBS for the 5-3 is implemented - I say put it opposite on the lower left corner (whereas the Battleray is on the lower right corner) and double up the mines and the triple the respawn rate of mines.
  18. [​IMG] Sure lets throw in a pirate CBS that is always a pirate CBS that can never be claimed by any clan.And has a small chance of giving high level modules when the hull is destroyed.

    The big open spot in the top of the maze would be away from the ray, away from the pally field and away from the ports on the left or right side of the map.
  19. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Horrible idea lmao, this sounds like one of them ideas this other guy came up with :p i forgot his name but his ideas were so OP and for stupid cheap prices lmao
  20. Vespid?
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