CBS limit

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BMλŋ916-ƒliesUSƒlaǧ, Jan 18, 2014.

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  1. The idea is simple, limit the number of CBS a clan can have.Maybe 3 is the limit?
  2. why? if a clan is strong to handle 3 CBS good for them, is hard to keep alive 1 CBS most of the time...
    Personally i don't see the point of having a limit of CBS we can build
  3. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    I don't even know why to put a limit on.. Noone on my server is even building a base..

    And no, if a clan and their allies are able to keep more then 3 cbs, so be it ;)
  4. What's wrong with 1 clan having 5 cbs's?(Be lucky if they could keep 1 lol) If they wanna do it, go for it. Makes it easier on us popping them anyway :D Don't need a limit.

    SS_HELIOS User

    Taser is right if they spread their defenses too thin they will usually lose most of their bases and possibly give up on another.
  6. burkey

    burkey User

    Lol, we (RSA) had 5 up the other day so we could keep enemy away from the one we wanted to keep, and it worked ....

    So I say no to this. If you want a clan to have less than 3 or whatever, destroy their CBS. As in another post on this forum page, the CBS is weak enough to be easily destroyed.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2014
  7. The reason for this is because there are non legit clans still out there and are overpopulating the star system with these bases.

    Plus the boost cap for ep and honor boost is 50% from what ive read here in forums and when a group of clans work in keeping 5 or more up its no better than pushing, no different than a clan making several accounts for them each to take turns popping which is why the pushing system was implemented.
    burkey likes this.
  8. burkey

    burkey User

    Fair enuff, I suppose a clan hording 5 bases with a EP/Honor booster on all would be a little advantageous
  9. No they wouldn't because bases only give boosters if you're on the map the base is on. :L
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The EP / Honor boosters work on all maps including gates etc, it is only the damage boosters which are limited to the map the cbs is on.

    As for the idea, if a clan can hold over 5 bases on a server then the opposition must be really bad.
    When my clan was VRU we held bases in 1-7, 1-6, 1-5, 1-4 and 1-3 for 30 days. There was dozens of times MMO could have destroyed them but it was down to their own lack of organization that the bases stayed there for so long rather than 1 clan outnumbering the whole of MMO.
    When we held 5 bases in our enemy maps for 30 days I think we deserved a 50% EP booster for our gates ^^
  11. Yeah and when there are people in the clan that can 1 shot pop a full lvl 16 cbs is outrageous that they can keep theirs or so long...."Trying to avoid a ban"...These guys are not legit and they are the ones ranking up.It seems really bias that they have so much control in the game...Some sort of balancing must be done so that its fair nomatter if the players of each clan are legit or not....If not a cbs limit then DO need to think hard on this because folks on my server in my company dont mess with cbs much because of the "non legit" taking out a cbs with just 1 or 2 ships.

    Again not looking for a ban just want an equal playing field noatter if the dudes are fair or not I hope thats understandable DO.