Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROCKIN-RON, Jan 15, 2014.

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    I think something needs to be done to the CBS damage. The way it is now, a single player can destroy a CBS alone, along with ships on it. When they came out at the start, they were a good defense for your company. Now, they are a waste of time and effort. When 2 players from a clan REMOVED can come in and destroy a level 16 CBS with 15 players on it defending, there is something wrong. Up the damage or the hps and shields, or all 3.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 25, 2014
    AllTimeLow likes this.
  2. AllTimeLow

    AllTimeLow User

    yea I think the same thing the bases are a waste of time and effort.
    ROCKIN-RON likes this.
  3. burkey

    burkey User

    Yeh I think maybe the workings of it should change so if there are ships on it, they have to be destroyed first... ?
  4. lol yh, they should changed it. They should make it where you have to destroy modules first, before taking down the hull.
    burkey likes this.