Changing Languages in Game

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Changing Languages in Game

    Greetings Space Pilots.

    For the benefit of those among you who play on the Global Servers.
    (Europe 1,2,3,4.. America 1 & 2, Scandinavia 1 & 2) here
    is a run-through on how to change the language in game.

    As an example you may normally play in English but wish to speak with
    members of another clan that only speaks German for diplomacy or other
    in game reasons.

    1. Option -(Changing Language)

    When you bring up the Dark Orbit Website, you have the option to use the language choice feature. (As shown below)

    language 1.png

    Please note that this is only available for International, Scandinavia, Europe Servers.

    2. Option ( different method to achieve same thing)

    When you log in to your chosen language the normal web address at the
    top of your browser will be

    (X = server number listed below)

    It doesnt matter what server or language you log into, the multi language
    servers will have that address as your home page (The listed servers are
    the only ones with multiple chat servers)

    INT1 = Global Europe 1
    INT2 = Global America 1
    INT3 = Scandinavia 1
    INT4 = Scandinavia 2
    INT5 = Global Europe 2
    INT6 = Global America 2
    INT7 = Global Europe 3
    INT8 = Global America 4
    INT10 = Global Europe 4
    INT11 = Global Europe 5
    INT12 = Global America 3
    INT13 = Global Europe 6
    INT14 = Global Europe 7
    INT15 = Global America 5

    If you wish to change language you need to add =&lang=xx (where xx =
    country codes below) to your above web address

    Example with language marker added


    In this case we have INT6 Global America 2 and es which is the marker for
    Spanish chat.

    The other countries I have found the codes for are listed below

    ru = Russian
    de = German
    es = Spanish
    fr = French
    tr = Turkish
    pl = Polish
    pt = Portuguese
    no = Norway
    sk = Slovakia
    bg = Bulgarian
    sv = Sweden
    it = Italy
    fi = Finland
    da = Denmark
    nl = Netherlands
    cs = Czech Republic
    br = Brazil
    el = Greece
    hu = Hungary
    en = English
    es_CO = Colombia
    es_VE = Venezeula
    es_PE = Peru
    mx= Mexico
    es_CL = Chile

    These are in no particular order and will be added to as more languages
    become available

    The important points to remember are that you can only do this from the
    HOME section of your backpage and you need to refresh the backpage
    before you click start and open your game page.

    So to recap.

    1 Sign in to game as normal.
    2 Add =&lang=xx to the web address at the top of your home page (where xx = the language you want)
    3 Hit refresh on your browser.
    4 Click on the “start” button on your backpage (now in your chosen language)
    5 Play Dark Orbit as normal and chat in your chosen language
    6 Enjoy
    my spanish example is shown below with the language marker ringed in red
    language 2.jpg

    Finally to change back just edit the “xx” in your web address back to your original language

    Thank you to HarleyD for the assistance with this thread.

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
    c.h.a.n.g.e.l.a likes this.
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