Changing Pilot Name

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, May 11, 2014.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Changing Your Pilot Name

    Go to you home page and locate the tab called Pilot Sheet

    pilot sheet tab.png

    Click the Pilot sheet and it will open your Profile Page (as shown below) click Edit Profile.

    ship name 1.png

    Which will bring up a pop up window with your pilot name at the top. (As shown Below)

    ship name 2.png

    Where your existing name is... replace that with the new name you want to use and click change. (As shown Below)

    ship name 3.png

    Once completed you will receive a confirmation window that shows the pilot name has been changed. (As shown Below)

    ship name 4.png

    Then click save and go and enjoy your game with your new name.

    Please note that you are not able to change you name for 48 hours, in the attempt that you try you will receive the following message:

    ship name 5.png


    Q: Will this take effect immediately?

    A: Yes, the name change is immediate you need only refresh the game screen.

    Q: Does this effect my Log-in?
    A: Your Log-in Name does not change with every name change.

    Q: Can we use Special Characters in our Ship Name?
    A: Yes, as Long as the Ship name is within the guideline of Terms of Conditions and is not inappropriate.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
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