Chat Ban Extensions

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by TalShiaR, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. TalShiaR

    TalShiaR User

    Hello space pilots,

    When you receive a ban this creates a ban history, the more you get the longer the ban history becomes.

    We will now be reviewing your ban history and if it is necessary we will be extending the current ban to one that is suitable for the history of your previous bans.

    We do have our guidelines to follow and we will explain this to you via chat board or via support.

    You may simply get a 3 day Extension or in severe cases permanent chat ban. This is to deter people from re-offending and breaking the rules constantly, and for those who have no regard for the rules to be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

    Please remember we do this to keep chat safe, clean and usable by all age groups.

    Many Thanks.
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