Chat In game FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    In Game Chat

    The in game chat is your chance to communicate with everyone on that server (Global chat), your company (MMO, EIC, VRU chat), Clan Search,your clan (clan chat) your outfit ( outfit chat) and newcomers chat.


    Chat is very simple to use, you type in the bottom section and your message is moved into the ongoing conversation in the top section.

    There is also a special chat for searching for clans, or members for clans. This is appropriately called Clan Search.

    Remember, here we have the same rules as in the forum, that means : insults, death threats, repeating the same message (flooding), advertising for clans, using capital letters etc are strictly prohibited and can and will get you banned.

    In order to fully take advantage of all the chat features, please check out these commands:

    /create <room name> Create a chat room

    /close Close the chat room

    /invite <user> Invite a user into the current chat room

    /w <user> Whisper something to a user
    /ignore <user> Ignore a user

    /allow <user> Allow ignored users to chat again

    /users Put all users in the current chat room in a list

    /rooms Show a list of all existing chat room

    Thank you to Razor for their assistance on this thread.

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    Last edited by moderator: Jan 13, 2017
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