Chrome Flash Player Fix (Disable Pepper Flash)

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Chrome Flash Player Fix
    (Disabling Pepper Flash)
    Many of you may or may not already know that chrome has an inbuilt flash player and that it is automatically updated regularly.

    However, many chrome users have experienced the following:
    disable 1.jpg

    This is because the flash player conflicts with the flash player you may have already installed on your OS. And on the 1st August chrome decided to relaunch the experimental flash player "Pepper Flash" - The feedback has not been good for this flash player and it is likely the cause of lag recently.

    How to fix
    1. In chrome, type in the address bar:

    HTML Code:

    2. Locate the Flash Files
    disable 2.jpg
    3. Expand the details by selecting the button near the top right of the page
    disable 4.jpg
    4. Pay attention to the location of these files and ensure you disable the correct flash players:
    disable 3.jpg
    - Disable the Pepper Flash
    - Disable either the chrome flash player or the OS flash player NOT BOTH.
    Please note that if you disable the chrome player then your flash player will not update automatically.

    Admin, please move this to the correct section of the forums.


    Thank you to NCFlash for their assistance on this thread
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
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