Chromin Rush Event

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Oessian, Oct 31, 2024.

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hey everyone,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 4th November (1:00 pm) until 10th November (1 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ShipMimesis180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designUllrin Diminisher115,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareBlacklight Trace50030,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareRinusk80030,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareMindfire Cerebrum3530,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreSeprom25,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    Permanent recipes
    The following event recipes can always be crafted.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    GeneratorSG3N-B0312 Micro Transistors
    2 Hybrid Processors
    1,800 Chromin
    5,000 Rinusk
    5 sec
    WeaponsLF-P0112 Micro Transistors
    2,500 Chromin
    2,500 Rinusk
    5 sec
    GeneratorsSG3N-P0112 Hybrid Processors
    2,500 Chromin
    2,500 Rinusk
    5 sec
    You can leave your feedback for the event here.

    The event FAQ is here.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
    TermiteFan likes this.
  2. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 2nd December (12:00 noon) until 8th December (12 noon) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ShipHammerclaw180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designUllrin Solace115,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareRinusk80030,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreOsmium6,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    Permanent recipes
    The following event recipes can always be crafted (the permanent recipes are the same like in the last event run).
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    GeneratorSG3N-P0112 Micro Transistors
    2 Hybrid Processors
    1,800 Chromin
    5,000 Rinusk
    5 sec
    WeaponsLF-P0112 Micro Transistors
    2,500 Chromin
    2,500 Rinusk
    5 sec
    GeneratorsSG3N-P0112 Hybrid Processors
    2,500 Chromin
    2,500 Rinusk
    5 sec

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  3. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit


    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 6th January (12:00 noon) until 12th January (12 noon) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ModuleDMG-MTCH01 Module120,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareRinusk80030,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipHecate180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designHecate Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreOsmium6,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    Permanent recipes
    The following event recipes can always be crafted (the permanent recipes are the same like in the last event run).
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    GeneratorSG3N-B0312 Micro Transistors
    2 Hybrid Processors
    1,800 Chromin
    5,000 Rinusk
    5 sec
    WeaponsLF-P0112 Micro Transistors
    2,500 Chromin
    2,500 Rinusk
    5 sec
    GeneratorsSG3N-P0112 Hybrid Processors
    2,500 Chromin
    2,500 Rinusk
    5 sec
    During the time of the event, there will also be the payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
    TermiteFan likes this.
  4. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 4th February (10:00 am) until 10th February (10:00 am) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ShipBerserker180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designUllrin Cyborg115,000 Chromin5 sec
    ExtrasSPC-SPE01130,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareMindfire Cerebrum3530,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreSeprom25,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be payment packages available with nice offers and of course the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  5. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit


    The Chromin Rush event starts once again in March.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 4th March (10:00 am) until 10th March (10:00 am) (Local Server Time)
    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    Ship designUllrin Hammerclaw115,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareBlacklight Trace50030,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipMimesis180,000 Chromin5 sec
    AmmunitionRCB-14026,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    ExtrasDMG-ZEP01130,000 Chromin5 sec
    During the time of the event, there will also be payment packages available with nice offers and of course the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  6. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 1st April (10:00 am) until 7th April (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ModuleDMG-MTCH01 Module120,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareRinusk80030,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareBlacklight Trace50030,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipHammerclaw180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designOrcus Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designBerserker Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designSpectrum Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreOsmium6,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    Permanent recipes
    The following event recipes can always be crafted (the permanent recipes are the same like in the last event run).
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    GeneratorSG3N-B0312 Micro Transistors
    2 Hybrid Processors
    1,800 Chromin
    5,000 Rinusk
    5 sec
    WeaponsLF-P0112 Micro Transistors
    2,500 Chromin
    2,500 Rinusk
    5 sec
    GeneratorsSG3N-P0112 Hybrid Processors
    2,500 Chromin
    2,500 Rinusk
    5 sec
    During the time of the event, there will also be the payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 1, 2021
    TermiteFan and KILABOT™ like this.
  7. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 1st May (10:00 am) until 7th May (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ModuleSPC-SPE01 Module130,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareRinusk80030,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareBlacklight Trace50030,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipCyborg180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designOrcus Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designDiminisher Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreSeprom25,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreOsmium6,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    During the time of the event, there will also be permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2021
    TermiteFan likes this.
  8. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 3rd June (10:00 am) until 9th June (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ExtrasDMG-ZEP01130,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareMindfire Cerebrum3530,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipHecate180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designOrcus Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designSentinel Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    AmmunitionRCB-14026,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of course the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  9. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The following recipes were added for the June Chromin Rush event.

    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ModuleSPC-SPE01 Module130,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareRinusk80030,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareBlacklight Trace50030,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipCyborg180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designDiminisher Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreSeprom25,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreOsmium6,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  10. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 2nd July (10:00 am) until 8th July (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    HardwareRinusk80030,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareBlacklight Trace50030,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareMindfire Cerebrum3530,000 Chromin5 sec
    ExtrasPermit1580,000 Chromin5 sec
    ExtrasPrimeCoupon10080,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipBerserker180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designC-Elite Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designHolo Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designSolaris Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreOsmium6,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreSeprom25,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    Your DarkOrbit Team
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2021
    TermiteFan and recursos☺☺ like this.
  11. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 4th August (10:00 am) until 10th August (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    HardwareMindfire Cerebrum3530,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreSeprom25,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    ExtrasSPC-SPE01130,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipZephyr180,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipHecate180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designHecate Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designSolace Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designOrcus Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreOsmium6,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be the permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers, and of course the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!
    TermiteFan likes this.
  12. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 1st September (10:00 am) until 7th September (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ExtrasDMG-ZEP01130,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareBlacklight Trace50030,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipMimesis180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designSentinel Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designCyborg Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designOrcus Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    AmmunitionRCB-14026,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be the permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!
    TermiteFan likes this.
  13. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 7th October (10:00 am) until 13th October (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ModuleDMG-MTCH01120,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareRinusk80030,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipHammerclaw180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designHammerclaw Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designDiminisher Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreOsmium6,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be the permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan and recursos☺☺ like this.
  14. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration

    The event runs from 3rd November (10:00 am) until 9th November (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ModuleSPC-SPE01 Module130,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareMindfire Cerebrum3530,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipCyborg180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designDisruptor Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreSeprom25,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be the permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  15. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 1st December (10:00 am) until 7th December (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ExtrasDMG-ZEP01130,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareBlacklight Trace50030,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipHecate180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designDiminisher Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designOrcus Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    AmmunitionRCB-14026,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be the permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  16. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration

    The event runs from 5th January (10:00 am) until 11th January (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ExtrasPermit1580,000 Chromin5 sec
    ModuleDMG-MTCH01120,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipBerserker180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designSentinel Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designSolaris Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreOsmium6,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be the permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  17. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 3rd February (10:00 am) until 9th February (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    HardwareRinusk80030,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreSeprom25,00080,000 Chromin5 sec
    ExtrasSPC-SPE01130,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipZephyr180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designHecate Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designSolace Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareBlacklight Trace50030,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be the permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
  18. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 3rd March (10:00 am) until 9th March (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ExtrasDMG-ZEP01130,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipMimesis180,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareMindfire Cerebrum3530,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designCyborg Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designOrcus Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    AmmunitionRCB-14026,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be the permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
  19. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 1st April (10:00 am) until 7th April (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ModuleDMG-MTCH01120,000 Chromin5 sec
    HardwareBlacklight Trace50030,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipHammerclaw180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designHammerclaw Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designBerserker Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreOsmium6,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be the permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  20. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit


    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Chromin Rush event starts once again.

    Event duration
    The event runs from 4th May (10:00 am) until 10th May (23:59 pm) (Local Server Time)

    Event recipes

    The following event recipes can be crafted once per event.
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    ExtrasSPC-SPE01130,000 Chromin5 sec
    ExtrasPermit1580,000 Chromin5 sec
    ShipCyborg180,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designDisruptor Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    Ship designHolo Ullrin115,000 Chromin5 sec
    OreSeprom25,00080,000 Chromin5 sec

    During the time of the event, there will also be the permanent recipes as well as payment packages available with nice offers and of cause the one which offers 60,000 Chromin at a bargain price!

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
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