[CL] Searching for a clan

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LeanBrewer, Jul 8, 2014.

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  1. LeanBrewer

    LeanBrewer User

    HI, just hit level 9 and am looking for a clan that recruits players not 10+ yet. Any suggestions on finding one? Have sent several applications with short write-ups but no responses.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Best way of getting in a clan is to just chat with people in global chat, get friendly with them etc and then ask about joining their clan once you are friendly with them, or maybe they will ask you.
    If you are below what their clan is looking for them normally they will put in a recommendation for another clan that will be more likely to accept you :)
  3. why there is the need for be in a clan mate ?
  4. LeanBrewer

    LeanBrewer User

    Thanks much!
  5. -LegendaryArmy- [LGND] are recruiting
  6. jackknife

    jackknife User

    what server r u on
  7. Lean, you will struggle here as this forum contain members from all servers. You should add your server onto your post so that people from that can recruit you!
  8. LeanBrewer

    LeanBrewer User

    Hi all, thanks for the help. I have applied for and been approved in a clan. Just need to get my home screen to indicate that now.
  9. LeanBrewer

    LeanBrewer User

    HI again. I have been approved by a clan but so far there is no indication on any screen in the game that I am in a clan. Is this normal, or is something not complete yet? Any help appreciated.

    I'm on USA 3 (East Coast) server if that matters.
  10. Hello LeanBrewer

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Once you get approved in a clan, all you need to do is re-login and you should have clan tag next to your pilot name on map page and also in chat.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  11. LeanBrewer

    LeanBrewer User

    Thanks Poseidon. I've logged in a few times since receiving the approval message from the clan leader, but no changes evident.

    At this point I don't have any further questions, just assuming there is either a lag in the system or there is a technical issue to be solved.

    Thanks, OK to close the thread.
  12. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    Closing as requested.
    Best regards,
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