clan applications/view and respond

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ARCHANGEL[777], Feb 4, 2014.

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  1. I lead a clan. at times I get an application to join my clan. but the player level is to low for me to accept them in our clan, or they are in the wrong company. I want to be able to to view the application,and send a response! if I accept the application, I want to be able to welcome the player to our clan personally. I would also like to be able to tell a player why their application was declined, and if they wanted to join our clan,what they must do next. increase their player level,change to our company. or to advise them that our clan is currently full. and tell/refer them to one of our allied clans. I do not like just declining a person without giving the reason for my actions. i feel it is a requirement of me that when i view an application, that since the person took their time to send the application. I want to thank them for their application. likely response to an application. Hello, Thank You for sending us your application! we are Glad you have decided to be a part of our Clan. Your application has been accepted. Please be sure to read our clan rules of engagement. or , I am sorry at this time we are not taking applications because our membership list is currently filled. Please send your application to (our allied Clan) We look forward to seeing You! I really think that this would make a big difference in the gaming quality, and experience! THANK YOU!
    cooljak96 and Arrogant like this.
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I like it. I believe that they said they are going to be making changes to the clan page, I hope this is one of them!
    Arrogant likes this.
  3. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    ARCHANGEL[777] - You can always send them a message via the Internal Mail System if you wish to provide more details - but your idea is still useful.
  4. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    great idea +1
    but I guess you would need to suggest that the clan leader will spend money to use these options so it is deemed worth doing.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    The problem with the mail system is that some players have messages blocked or don't read any messages assuming that there spam or someone selling something lol, that being said I think this is a useful idea and something that should be implemented :).
  6. I'm in with this one.
  7. Good idea! But why not just give them a wisper on chat (if they are online).

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Maybe the player you want to whisper is banned or you might be banned as well.
  9. I belive you can still use the in game mail system while you are banned.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    As I said a few posts ago, it's not a full proof way of sending messages to applicants of a clan, some block messages or ignore them.
  11. That would be their own fault then for not using this feature given in the game.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    It would be their fault but clans would lose out on possible new members.