Clan Battle Station Ideas

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sirpwnsalot34, Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. Clan Battle Stations need to be a bit better. People are spending millions of uridium on them just to see their Battle Station destroyed within a few hours or days. So here are a few ideas to make them more worth your time and uridium.

    1. Battle Stations can shoot aliens.

    How this would work: player A drags in a Sibelon to the CBS. The CBS helps player A kill the Sibelon. Player A gets half the credits and uridium but all the honor and experience. The other half of the uridium and credits goes to the clan owing the CBS (yes, I'm suggesting a uridium bank for clans but it can only be filled by the uridium of the aliens the CBS helped to kill, not by taxing uridium from clan members). That way the CBS will help player A kill the Sibelon much faster and the clan owning the CBS will get more credits/uridium. (Enemy players willl have a higher attack priority then aliens.)

    2. Battle Stations get Insta-Shields on their hull module.

    I'm not the one who came up with this idea and unfortunately I forgot the person who did. Hopefully that person will let me know who he/she is so I can give him credit. The idea states that the CBs should have an Insta-Shield on the hull module. The Insta-Shield on the hull of CBS can only be deactivated once all the other modules are destroyed, preventing people from just going straight for the hull to destroy the whole CBS without touching the other modules.

    3. All clan members who own the CBS will be able to see all enemy players on the map. (Red dot with yellow outline.)

    All Battle Stations in 4-x will have 50% more HP+shields and do 50% more damage.

    All clan members that own a CBS in 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 will get 20% more loot from Bonus Boxes.

    All clan members that own a CBS in 4-4 are automatically Sepped and Prommed even if you don't have any (if you've upgraded your ship with any ores while you own a CBS in 4-4 then it saves it for when you lose your CBS). All clan members who own the CBS in 4-4 get double honor.

    The CBS in 4-5 just has 50% more shields and 50% more damage.

    Hopefully these changes will make Battle Stations better for players of all skill and strength.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
  2. Next-Rise

    Next-Rise User

    I have to say no with this one. They are already over powered as is. And they alien killing would not be good, that would produce ep boosting and lots of bk would be dragged in to earn massive amounts of ep for upping players. Overpowered
  3. One ufe can solo a CBS. Still overpowered?
  4. Blah

    Blah User

    But can a ufe solo a CBS with 5 ufes shooting him? Your idea is overpowered and cbses are already overpowered when a good clan has them and normally only good clans would be smart enough to have one.
  5. I say NO to all. Only think i would like to add is...

    Modules should be
    Repairable with Credits.
    It would encourage lots of players to build CBS on their desired map. It will also be fun to watch/fight with many others players who seeks to destroy CBS and test their skills.
  6. Blah

    Blah User

    Good idea but if the cbs could be repairable with credits then ues would never get theirs popped... u should make it so they could be repaired with like 200 uri and 5mil creds or debuff the cbses
  7. I would go for the first one in a way but still no because a guy could just make a clan be the leader get a bunch of newbies make them drag aliens and kill them with the cbs for 2 weeks or more then the guy just leaves with all the uridium and credits.... which would be the end of all newbies...
    for the guy that said bases are overpowered.. i think i would laugh at that.... if theres no one taking care of the base even if it is at level 16 an UFE can pop it alone... why ? own experience.... bases are not strong i think is harder to kill 2 uber kristallones at the same time than a cbs...
    sirpwnsalot34 likes this.
  8. Blah

    Blah User

    hah IF theres no one taking care of it... in my server the clans always have like 20days of deflector time and only take shields down if someones taking care of it.... it would be harder to kill 2 ubk if no one was guarding but if 5 ues were guarding would it still be as easy?
  9. 1. This kinda happens already. A guy makes a clan fills it up with noobs so he could tax them and then takes all the credits and leaves.Mean clan leaders inevitable. Lol.

    2. The newbies still got really fast alien kills with the CBS helping them.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  10. Yeah kill them all, unless ur too noob to kill them then u wont be able 5 ships are not that many, if you are a good player and smart enough you would find a way which i know its easy, i have killed full elite citadels with 3 agis reaparing it and using all their abilities and they were shooting me and to make it better i escaped and came back and killed two more aegis and left cuz they got too many ships... but yeah it tends to be possible when u know what you are doing...
  11. Do you guys think it's a little overpowered for CBS in 4-x to have double boosters?
  12. chixonator

    chixonator User

    honestly i love this idea. i have always wanted a clan uridium bank, ive seen many people come up with the idea on the old forums and id love to see it happen, especially if it was like the way you proposed with the clan needing a cbs and not taxing uri and i always wanted a cbs that would shoot npc's

    but for #2 i have mixed feelings.

    1. cbs will be harder to kill and will last longer
    2. cbs will be more useful to the clans, especially combined with cbs shooting npc and the uridium bank
    1. usually people will only destroy enough mods until they get to the center or just go straight for the center, this could be looked at as good and bad. the good of this is that the clan the owns the cbs getting destroyed will not have to pay all of that uridum to repair of the modules to build the cbs again. The bad: they lose the cbs quicker.
    so im not really sure if id want to pay all that uridium to repair the modules when i could just pay to repair the hull and rebuild it later.

    but ive heard people say that if the hull is destroyed all modules are destroyed anyways? not sure if thats true i dont think it used to be like that but maybe they changed it? but if it is true then #2 is great.
    sirpwnsalot34 likes this.
  13. I think that you have to repair all the modules if the main hull module is destroyed but you can search that up.
  14. that yes imagine they give 10% now double that 20% ull that would give 45% of damage to the owner of the csb plus 5% of the ship thats 50% plus 5% from his friends thats 55% lool i would love to see how much i hit with that xD
  15. Hmm I'll see what I can do.
  16. Added in idea #3 and 4. Changed what Battle Stations in 4-x would do.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    How about a no to all the idea's, way to overpowered.
  18. chixonator

    chixonator User

    i liked it before, but no to 3, and probly no to 4 even though id like 4..
  19. Yeah I guess 3 would be a bit overpowered.