Clan Battle Stations

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ΜΞИΛСΞ, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. CBS's are becoming too weak.

    At first they were tough and would smash most top players, yet now it only takes a few decent ships to destroy one as they tend to just go for the center modules and thats if it is a level 16 cbs. A level 1 cbs needs only one tough player to destroy it.

    The fact it costs so much to upgrade modules makes it not worth the uri to do.

    I recommend the CBS's are given more HP/Shield or the price of upgrading modules needs to be reduced drastically.

    Either that or .... How about make CBS's like certain NPC's, maybe like the HITAC. You must destroy all outside modules before you can attack the center?

    The fact is people aren't building cbs as much these days because of these issues.

    Any better ideas?
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
    ROCKIN-RON, ={BEW.BEN}= and aspirin like this.
  2. chixonator

    chixonator User

    absolutely agree, ive solod cbs's before that were lvl 16 there not hard at all to kill now.
    aspirin likes this.
  3. Cbs are a waste of your hard earned Uri , thier last update ruined my cbs's.Now CBS wont shoot some Players..

    I can solo a cbs now im not even close to uber lmao what a Scam.
  4. chixonator

    chixonator User

    the only good thing from the last cbs update was that they increased the modules shooting range, but of course thats not good when im attacking one.
  5. Truly if they gave us back the old clients cbs i will spend some $$$$ .
    i only buy premuim now.thiers way to many bugs,every other day something is malfunctioning
  6. So it seems the quick fix option is to reduce the cost of module upgrades? Im looking for more ideas or feedback on my idea(s).
  7. before the last Update Modules where cheaper to upgrade during primetime .BP needs to bring it back .to rep damage Modules are way to high
  8. Lucidity

    Lucidity User

    I like the ISH idea, but maybe there would be a new module introduced that's a shield module that must be destroyed (or multiple ones) and that drops the ISH, maybe a max number of ISH modules per cbs.

    ISH - Insta Shield (for those who don't know)
  9. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    ^Okay, so take that out and then the main base. Not much of an improvement, the original idea is better.
  10. Lucidity

    Lucidity User

    The original idea was to reduce price of upgrades and an ISH anyway, but I see what you're saying - pop the ISH module and you're good. Maybe the module would have more hp/shields than normal or something, I don't know. I was just thinking out loud and didn't put much thought in to it :)
  11. Ahh I do apologise, I did search for related posts but couldnt find any. So If a mod sees this they may close it unless they see a difference in the posts.

    Kind regards.
  12. I like that other people starting to think about it =) becaure i really think that this would help to make the game more interesting and the Fights awesome on CBS
  13. Yes , yes and a loudly YES !

    CBS isn't powerful enough. We need a upgrade for this. And that Hitac example is a good idea :)
    ROCKIN-RON likes this.
  14. It certainly souns good idea. ;)
    This might work.
  15. There was also a thread started on this idea. By @Deidara_artist it is currently on page 4 (as of the time I am replying).

    There needs to be some sort of protections for the CBSs. There is only 1 active CBS on West right now. No one is building anymore.
  16. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Again i say yes, cause i readed it somewere already :)
  17. Yes i also agree but also it has been mentioned a few times in other threads
  18. ISH, more hp, and less cost would make the cbs more common in the maps, as well as harder to take out.
  19. i find it funny how you and your clan do this all the time and nothing but this no modules just the hull

    kind of ironic that youd make this post knowing you just lost a cbs to it as well