Clan FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Joining / Creating Clan

    So, you are clanless? You would like to create or join a clan? Well, here’s where you start:

    Joining a clan:
    If you do not feel like creating a clan yourself, you can always join one that already exsists.

    Search for a Clan
    Type in the Clan you are searching ( As shown Below)

    Clan 01.png

    Clan Results for your Search ( As shown Below)

    Clan 02.png

    Choose the Clan to apply to: (As shown Below)

    Clan 04.png

    Once you have chosen a clan Click join to proceed.

    Clan information and Application: (As shown Below)

    Clan 05.png

    Clan Information: This area give the Clan name / Tag / Founding Date & the Leaders Name

    Clan Description: This area should have basic information about the clan, and rules and or guidelines the clan requires.

    Application Area: Type a message to the clan telling why you want to join their clan.

    Cost: What it costs you as a player in Credits to apply to join this clan.

    To Complete Application just Click Send. Once the application has been sent you should recieve a pop up message confirming that. (As seen below)

    Clan 06.png

    If you do not have 1,500 credits on your ship, you won’t be able to apply. Instead, you’ll get this message:

    "Sorry, you do not have enough credits to apply"

    After you applied for one or more clans, you’ll be able to view current applications - Click - JOIN- At the Top of the Clan List area you will see, Your Open Clan Applications, Across on the far right is a drop down arrow. Click that arrow to bring the current application into view. The clans that have current applications will be highlighted with a Yellow marker around them. (As shown Below)

    Clan 07.png

    To Delete and application Click on “PENDING” will cancel the chosen application and you’ll get confirmation: (as shown below)

    Clan 08.png

    You will get a confirmation pop up ask " Would you really like to withdraw your application from (Clan Name). (As shown Below)

    Clan 09.png

    Once you have confirmed that you would like to remove an application to a clan you will get a message that read," Application deleted" (As shown below)

    Clan 10.png

    If a clan accepts your application, it will be noted in your logbook:

    If you had more active applications for other clans, they automatically get deleted. 1,500 credits application fee gets deducted from your account after an application has been accepted.

    Founding a clan:

    Everyone can create a clan. Are you a leader type? Looking for new challenges? It’s simple. All you need is 300.000 credits as a one time fee when creating a clan.

    Click Found - This will open a window to start the process of creating your new clan.

    Found a Clan1.png

    Here you can choose your future clans Information:
    Clan name
    Clan tag
    Description of your clan

    Clan Creation Fee

    After you have filled those in, simply click on “SEND” to create your clan.

    If the Clan Tag is already in use, you will recieve this warning. (As shown Below)

    Found a Clan2.png

    If your clan is accepted it will take you directly to the Clan Page. (As shown Below)

    Found a Clan3.png

    Congratulations, you now are the clan leader of your own clan!
    After founding a clan, you’ll have following entries in your logbook : "Clan Founded"

    Deleting Clan -

    Only the Leader of the Clan can Delete or disolve the clan.

    To delete a clan the leader mus go to the Members page, where the option to Transfer or delete clan is available. (As shown Below)

    Found a Clan4.png

    There is a confirmation when deleting a clan: (as shown Below)

    Delete Clan.png

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    In A Clan

    You would go to the Clan tab to access the clan Information

    tab clan.png

    The first page that opens after clicking the clan tab is information - On this page you will see

    Clan Tag and Name
    Founding date
    Clan Leader
    Number of Members
    Clan rank
    Company Affiliation (VRU /MMO /EIC)
    Tax rate
    Teamspeak address
    Recruiting status.

    To the far right is a place for a clan Logo.

    Clan text: This is a description that players see when searching your clan.
    Clan News: Here you see notes posted by clan members, also players leaving the clan.
    Clan Search: Here you can type a clan tag or name. You can also look through the List of clans.


    - Members Tab is where you can see the information pertaining to the members in the clan.
    *** Note only the leader of the clan can transfer ownership of the clan or delete the clan.


    - Administration tab show the clan bank / tax rate and the amount the clan earns each day.
    In the large section you will see how many credits were taken from each player to be added to the clan bank.

    Payouts- this is where you choose a member from the clan and using the drop down menu it will tell you how many credits the member is eligible for. Length of time in the clan will depict how much each player is eligible for up to the max amount.


    - Messages is where you can see private emails sent to you from other members of the clan. You can also send messages as well
    by using the create message tab at the bottom of this page.


    - Diplomacy shows the Clans that your clan has an ALLIANCE / NAP / WAR.
    Using the Request Diplomacy box, you type in a clan name or Tag and then offer them one
    of the following options - Alliance / Nap / War.


    - Company - this shows the Company that your clan belongs to and the Company information.
    Here is where you can also choose to switch companies.


    - Battle Station - this is where you can see all the information about your clans battle station.
    As well as how long you have had a Battle station and How many battle stations your clan has destroyed.

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