Clan Members Page

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .USS.Goliath., Jan 20, 2014.

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  1. On the members list of the clan page, is there a specific order that the members are listed in?

    I know the top few are the ones online, but the out of all of the ones below that, does it sort it as "most recently logged in"?

    Just out of interest, thanks.

    I do remember in the past it was sorted by joining date it kinda felt more logical.
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I don't think that it has a set order. I used to think that it was by join date but it seems to have changed.

    I do, however, know that players who do not log in for 4 weeks are automatically placed at the bottom and get an * next to their name.
  3. Yeah I wish they sorted it in terms of either activity or last logged in it would make life easier...
  4. Hello .USS.Goliath.

    Thank you cooljak96 for assisting with this thread.

    The ones who appears in top of the clan members list are those who have recently logged in or changed maps and the players who are at bottom of the page, represented by * next to their name are inactive members.

    If have any Ideas & Suggestions you can post it here>
    Update & Idea Pool

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  5. Thanks you can close.
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