Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    To conquer the vast expanse of Orbit, you need brave friends and a strong clan. We have something special in store for you all that's sure to be a boon to coordinating teamwork:

    The Online List of your Clan Members

    You can now see who's online or offline at just a glance.

    On the right side of the flight screen you will locate a hexagon with a Person and a Fist. This is your Clan Viewer Hexagon. When you open the Hexagon you will see a pop up as shown below:


    At the Top you will see your Clan Name.

    Next is the members line the first number is the number of members online and the second is the clan membership.

    Then you will see you member in a list.
    RED - shows Offline

    When a member of your clan signs in you will see the changes to this
    Clan viewer (As shown Below)


    Green - Shows Online
    And these members will move to the top of the list above players offline.

    There is also a change in the Members Line as it currently shows 1/11. So
    the front number will increase as more members come online.

    Another great feature is a close proximity feature. (As seen Below)


    BLUE - Show in the SAME MAP.
    This will help to tell you what members of your clan are in close proximity of your ship, as they will be in the same map as your ship.

    Clan Viewer also includes the outfit or group invite feature ( As shown Below)


    PLUS SYMBOL - Group Invites or Outfit Invites. Use your mouse to turn this plus symbol to a gold color and you click to invite members of your clan to join a group or outfit.

    Questions and Answers:

    Can you Invite clan members that are in different maps?
    Yes you can. The clan members do not have to be in the same map to receive or accept an invite.

    Do all players have this Clan Viewer icon?

    No, only players that are currently in a clan will have this icon available.
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