Clans Reloaded

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ΘЛЄ_MΛИ_ΛЯMY™, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. The Darkorbit clan system is very old and I believe outdated. The addition of the Clan Battle Stations (CBS) has done little to breathe life into clan wars.

    Here, I will propose a couple of changes with the hope that any or all will be at least considered.

    1.More integrated partner clans. Many major clans in Darkorbit have training clans but these are completely separate from the main clan apart from perhaps an NAP or an Alliance delivered through the clan diplomacy screen. I propose that junior clans become a more integrated part of the main clans.

    This is what will happen with this:
    • Clan members from either junior or senior can communicate in clan chat.
    • Clan members from both clans will be available in the contacts list in the HUD
    • Clan members can be directly promoted from the junior clan to the senior clan without having to leave the junior and then join.
    • Clan taxes will be shared between junior and senior but different rates can be set.
    • While the proper clan news will be separate, members from each clan can still post in the other's clan news, but their posts will be yellow.
    • 'Partner Clans' will be put as a new thing in the clan box on the main screen. From here, people can access junior or senior clans, donate taxes to them and promote players.
    • However, each clan will still remain semi-independent, each with it's own command structure.
    This will benefit lower level players greatly as they now have a communication link to Darkorbit's most powerful players. Taxes can also be shared, meaning they get that little credit boost they need to get irises and LF3's.

    2. More complex diplomacy. Currently in the diplomacy bar, all you can put other clans as is NAP, Alliance and War. However, I propose that more complex diplomatic options should be available.

    This is what will happen with this:
    • Allied clan leaders and those at war will have a direct communication link through contacts allowing them to seek peace whenever they want.
    • Allied clans will now be able to gift credits to each other.
    • A new option called ceasefire will be available. This means that in the middle of a clan war, just in case the two sides want to talk peace, there can be a small ceasefire.
    • The diplomacy screen will have a redo and on it, you will be able to see how many (In wartime) how many kills each side has got. You will also be able to see the member count and rank for each of your allies (or enemies).
    With this, more diplomatic options will be available, increasing the meaning of allies and enemies.

    What do you guys and girls think about my new ideas? Post and I'll reply :)
  2. I love it.
    The sharing of the credits between allied clans...
    I feel like it can be abused...
    Other than that, it's an excellent idea!

    Perhaps a very small award for winning a clan war, the clan with the most kills from the other clan wins probably 200 Uridium, 3 LDs and a Booty Key? :3
  3. That would be way to much work. be easyer to increase the max number of members to 75 or add a alliance Chat room
  4. They need to improve the way clans wars are, you cant win a clan war, it only lasts 10 days,

    so the first clan to 300 kills wins....
  5. Sounds like a good idea.
    DO need work to do GammaRay :D
  6. as good as this sounds, and also not necessary, explain why this would be beneficial to the game? I like the idea, but how does this actually make the game better? The first two are solved by way of TS or Raidcall which everyone uses already for the most part. Contacts are already part of the game, you just have to friend people and boom there they are. like i said, i likethe idea, but i just dont see how it will improve game play
  7. fusion82

    fusion82 User

    i like the idea a lot credit sharing i could deal with out.

    1.i would really like to see the alliance chat window done. not every on in my english speaking server speaks english the same goes for my clan we more than a few members that are from other countries so ts3 and raid call are out. they do however use google translator or they know enough english to be able to type but dont speak it very well.
    2. i think you are spot on with rewards for clan wars. rewards in the form of a % of the clans credits that will be shared between clan members or clan points

    3. clan points should be awarded like for the battle station but they would actually mean something. the points would go to the clan ranking. the stronger the defeated clan is the more points the wining clan would receive. this would eliminate strong clans taking advantage of weak clans but still allow for points to be won over.

    4. points would be lost if the clan is dissolved or if 50% of the players participating in the wars that received points left the clan.

    5. two types of war
    a. "clan vs clan war" (challenging of another clan)both clans would have to accept the war invitation. this would have points awarded and possibly credits
    b. "all out war" no point awarded (we just don't like you war)

    6. i like the thought of being able to run multiple clans at the same time using the same log in. it would be easier to track and run in clan events. also sharing information would be less time consuming.
  8. Gifting credits.. Well, I believe that would be of no use, since the clan update of credit limit came to life. Other than that, excellent idea :)
  9. o_O Isn't this how WARs are started :rolleyes: I won't say anything, duh! If this goes thru :oops:
  10. fusion82

    fusion82 User

    the second war "all out war" yes there is no need to agree to the war but there is no reward given other than self gratification.

    the first war no, both clans would have to agree or accept the war invitation from each other. the first type of war "clan vs clan war" would be a challenge with a prize for the winner (points or credits) a winner would be determined by the highest number of kills by the clan or by forfeiture (one of the clans requests end to the war or refuse to shoot or be shot by the opposing clan by the end of the war) example: would be camping at port, doing GG, dodging players on the map. there should be a minimum number of kills to be able to gain the reward possibly 10-15.

    credits for each kill deducted from the account of the player destroyed not too much but something like 10k-50k creds. not a lot, but enough to make it fun for noobs as well and not push them out of the game.

    i could see how rewarded points may be abused by players with multiple accounts and harvesting them in clans for the points so perhaps only creds should apply. or even a symbol displayed similar to the way GG rings are displayed.
  11. I already shared the idea of movement and tax between main and secondary clans. And just like every idea in the forums it got ignored after awhile.
  12. chixonator

    chixonator User

    awesome idea
  13. Not a bad idea.Something to add can be the ability to select CBS behavior to NAPs as some people use naps as a means for peace in 5-3.But then those naps are not shot by each others CBS in the maps where they may actually fight each other.
  14. vsc99073

    vsc99073 User

  15. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    I had a idea like this in my head very long ago. You just reminded me of it!
  16. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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