Client alterantive

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Fureas, May 1, 2023.

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  1. Fureas

    Fureas User

    It is fine to use MX5 (I use this one) or any other browser that still support flash, as alternative to the client? Using MX5 let me get 60fps. Usiing the DO client won't let met go 5 minutes without crashing. Can't even pass 30fps.

    Would like to know from a official source about this. Not players. Because there's nothing about this coming from any official source.
  2. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hi Fureas,

    As best I understand the Terms and Conditions, using any program to access the game other than the game client provided by Bigpoint is considered using a 3rd party program. This would be a violation of the Terms and Conditions as they state you may not use any 3rd party program.

    TermiteFan likes this.
  3. Fureas

    Fureas User

    What could I do if using the client doesn't allow me to get a decent game experience as it does when am using MX5?

    Edit 1
    Last year I made this post in the spanish forum were some player gave me the MX5 alternative option, and none of the DO team in the forum says something against it.

    What should I do about my game experiencie?

    Edit 2
    I got this capture from Discord. NL_Infinity says that any browser it is valid. I understand this person is part of the DO team.

    I would this to be clarified. Thanks.

    Last edited: May 1, 2023
  4. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hi Fureas,

    Again, as best I understand the Terms and Conditions, using any program to access the game other than the game client provided by Bigpoint is considered using a 3rd party program. This would be a violation of the Terms and Conditions as they state you may not use any 3rd party program.

    TermiteFan likes this.
  5. Fureas

    Fureas User

    Hey, Oddessey.

    Again, as I said, I would like to clarified this.
    You're telling me "as best I understand". So, is this the absolute answer, or should I take it as your understanding on the subject? Not sure if this answer, coming from a Team Leader, should be consider it as how it should be and follow it by everyone, because you're giving me your interpretation.

    What I want is a clear yes, it is illegal to use MX5 because:
    Or a clear no, it isn't illegal to use MX5 because:

    Giving me your understanding doesn't clarify me the situation since there's a post on the spanish forum were none of the Moderator (Rosveltt) nor Administrator (Specter) said something about it when another player gave me MX5 as a solution. And, on top of that, NL_Infinity, a DO team member in Discord says that "all browser are allowed as far as I know".

    So, it is Infinity's knowledge on the subject against your understanding on the subject. Which one is it?
    Kellerkind likes this.
  6. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hi Fureas,

    I can say with 100% certainty that the use of any program to play the game, other then the game client provided by Bigpoint is likely to be a violation of the Bigpoint terms and conditions.

    Closing this thread and the question has been answered more than once. Let me say this again, if you use anything other than the Bigpoint provided game client, you are violating the Bigpoint Terms and Conditions!

    This topic IS NOT open for debate!

    TermiteFan likes this.
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