client glitching out

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BoughtthisatWalmart, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. The client keeps on doing this thing where everything completely freezes, I can't target or attack anything, I can't pick up anything, and all the enemies freeze. Then anywhere from ten seconds to ten minutes later everything picks back up at where it's supposed to be, except for things I tried to pick up.
  2. Qwsazxcde1

    Qwsazxcde1 User

    THe same is happening to me, its highly annoying.
  3. It is a pain but part of the struggle on here. It doesnt feel long ago they said there would be problems and bugs are being resolved, but not this time round it seems. Looks like support are taking one step forward, two steps back here. Staying in the loop is down to us.
  4. Hello there,

    sorry to hear you are all having a similar issue, please understand that some issues can take/ are taking a period of time to resolve. Would you all mind to tryout the ole Clear ya cache and flash please. There are redirects with in my sig below. Also consider a different browser from the one you are using.

    I thank you all for your time upon this matter
    Does the OP (Origianl Poster) have any further questions?
