Client Issue

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ㊌ʀᴏ, Oct 8, 2023.

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  1. Hi there
    I have a problem with my client every time when i go to craft in game after few seconds the game is freezing… and only one fix is to restart the client otherwise u can’t do anything…

    P.S i clean caches and other stuff even reinstall window same thing nothing changed

    Server GE2/int5

    Please check this issue and fix it ASAP

    Thank you ☺️
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2023
  2. same , gotta refresh everytime, and now I didnt even get uridium from the mindfire boxes. what kinda bs is this ?
  3. That is an issue everyone has and I would assume it has been reported
    If you dont get uridium from mindfire boxes you are affected by diminishing rewards, you have been playing for too long time.
  4. That's thrilling game. You play too long time.. and rewarded with less something.
  5. i wasnt shooting npcs though lol i was pvp-ing before so wth
  6. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    this issue has been going on for a long time. when someone posts it they move to a dark corner in the forums. They always ask the same thing, post your server, your acount ID number, The time it happen "server time", What was the last button you pressed. They want everyone to do this when it happens. Then again not many would hunt it down when they hide it. Instead of leaveing it on the general issues page, Something most of us look at. Been playing a long time and this reminds me of the thing support told us when something was wrong, " did you clear your cache". lol
  7. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    maybe they need to clear thier cache
    Star*Fire likes this.
  8. bez-xx

    bez-xx User

    502 Bad Gateway
    the game sucks again. No access since 24 hours
  9. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User
