Client Refactoring – Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Ddraig, Feb 4, 2015.

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  1. mellor895

    mellor895 User

  2. SauronL

    SauronL User

    This new client brought many new lags, for example invisible glitch are so much annonying, 7x jump throught port there and back and still didnt see this demaner , after relog many times it didnt work same, same with spaceball or if i use jump cpu and i jump into map near player he is invisible and hes able to kill me and i cant do anything ...
  3. mellor895

    mellor895 User

    i so wish that a server merge would happen, its all we ask for these days, everything else seems to be ticking along ok. It just seems like the major requests we ask for take years to be taken seriously, take the botters for instance, that took a good few years to sort out, by the time is was, 50% of players had left, by the time the merge happens another 50% will have left. i remember the days you logged on and there was a box telling you how many people where online, that got removed due to the dwindling numbers, players are leaving in droves, surely the people that run this game must understand a server merge would keep more people playing and make more people spend money to compete? ive a feeling i will sadly not be around to see the merge :(

    maybe i should add an input on the new update to go with my previous post... unfortunately i missed the test server as i haven't logged in for a while as my server GB1 is dead, maybe ill catch the next one, im sure the 5 people on my server really enjoy the new update though
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 2, 2015
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