Clinet Screen (aka the space map)

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ]Coldheart[, Mar 9, 2024.

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  1. GA2, GA3, GA servers: Client screen not loading.

    { The US East, GB2 and the Global (pve) servers will load up the client screen. }
    The Red Baron likes this.
  2. same for me but after 20-30 min i am able to login.
    Ok scratch that lost 2 lives in beta come on fix your game i entered beta again after server crash and got to kill like 3 kristallon then server lag and can't shoot or move.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2024
    ☺chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  3. This is a joke can't login takes forever to enter then when you try to do a gate you lag so hard ship will move pet doesn't your ship can't fire the npc's can you die then can't login for an hour or so and repeat the same garbage happens and support says there is no issues with the game, Well maybe that's what you think but when i finally login i am sitting on top a pile of ships who seem to be just logging in also.
    Support? What support.
  4. **silver**

    **silver** User

    this is DO...always problems ^^ they don't care about players....always the same ^^
  5. Tried GA2 again this morning and the best there was, was a timeout during login. Real sorry to have to report this during a weekend, however, there should be at least someone (maybe on-call) that can get to the server(s) and do a power reset.
  6. They need to either extend the GG day or give us something for all this [REMOVED]
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 10, 2024
    ☺chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  7. I bet the only accounts currently logged into the game are the bots the rest of us are just screwed. The box doubler always ends 5 days prior to the end of the 30 days I purchased it for then every weekend especially on Sudays there is always something broken in game. I've pretty much decided to just continue to invest my disposable income in the stock market and not spend another penny on this game between the cheaters and the issues I'm done working on my account.
  8. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    I totally agree with you ES... DO alllowed all the script account bans back into the game....
    ☺chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  9. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    of course the 400% spend real money item is working. just not the game
    -≈ID0L0NI≈- likes this.
  10. Dr.Ruppel

    Dr.Ruppel User

    i dont know what to say - i wont say anything ( obviously i have )
  11. reset router, reset modem, eat the cookies, clean the cache, take out the trash, wipe my ...nose
    MacSgalpaigh and PacificNW like this.
  12. Just tried it now. Appears to be working for GA2 ( I will assume the other that I listed above are all working as well )
    Thank you!
    Please close this thread.
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