Cloak Detecting Sensors

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Jan 15, 2014.

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    VESPID User

    The chip I am proposing is a cloak detecting sensor that reveals cloaked ships by giving the same yellow outlined indicator in the x-1 map or a red one regarding enemy ships on both the regular and mini map.

    The purpose of this sensor it to detect enemy ships employing a cloak within your weapons range.

    The suggested price for this item is 40K Uri.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2014
  2. Full_force

    Full_force User

    No we have the cloak for a reason.

    Besides it is easy to find someone cloaked anyway.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  3. If you're tired of cloaked people jumping out and popping you, stay at port, or learn how to run/fight. They're already easy to find and click on when they're "cloaked." Making it even easier to find cloaked people #1 destroys the purpose of cloaking and #2, makes it harder to finish pvp quests, because people see you coming and run.
  4. No with that idea cloaks would be useless in those maps and no point In using them.

    VESPID User

    Cloaks would still be useful in pirate maps, just use them there.
  6. How so, if one has these so called "cloaking detecting sensors" cpu on their ship?

    With that, i disagree with your idea, it goes against the whole point of the cloak. Besides, locking onto a cloaker is easy anyways. Perhaps using your mini map more frequently may help ya' out a bit. Or, just use EMP/EMP mines. If not those two...well theres always hugging port as an option? XD

    VESPID User

    I was referring to the notion of just navigating the maps or avoiding aliens, not attacking ships.
  8. Still un-needed and pointless. Sorry.

    VESPID User

    I beg to differ, the point is crystal clear and the need for any ships outside of the X-1 maps is there.

    Considering the notion that this idea only alerts of a cloaked ship and not what kind of ship it is, is much more balanced than not having it.
  10. Full_force

    Full_force User

    So you don't have a mini map?

    Clear your cache then open it.
  11. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I do and it is, but that rarely makes a difference most of the time.....How can you not know this???
  12. BallistikD

    BallistikD User

    No to this idea. Its called cloak and smoke for a reason. Basic flight lessons from back in the day were something like this. Use your mini map. Clear the dots coming in. Meaning if there are three dots and only two npc's there. You got company. Most have learned to fly the map with one eye on the ship and the other on the mini map.
  13. Look man, I'm pretty sure the only reason you want this chip is so you stop popping from cloakers. Learn how to fight or learn how to run. Some of us have a use for the cloak like doing pvp quests. This chip defeats the idea of the cloak. And your response of "we don't know what ship is coming based on the minimap" is irrelevant. Who cares what ship it is. As a rule, anything cloaked and coming towards you wants to pop you. Learn how to use your minimap or learn how to run or learn how to fight back. Stop making dumb ideas that completely defeat the purpose of something else.
  14. VESPID

    VESPID User

    See that's the thing, I'm pretty sure the only reason some don't want this chip out is because too many use the cloak more than they should be.
    Learn to fight and to hunt without using the cloak. Employ the speed of your ship in concert with all your weapons and ship abilities.
    This idea will be a check and balance against that lazy pilot causing tech.
  15. Why don't you learn how to cope with being popped from cloaked people instead? :p
  16. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I don't mind being popped at all, several forum members know this for a fact....

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Seems hypocritical since you want to do away with apparent ''lazy pilot causing tech'' when your slot CPU idea would cause lazy pilots.
  18. Thank you BOSS ADAM for pointing that out. We have known that Vespid was hypocritical in a few things he said, but this is a clear case.
    As mentioned before, this defeats the purpose of a cloak and is thus, a bad idea.
  19. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I beg to differ and the off topic idea brought up makes prepared pilots.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    How does this balance anything?
  21. VESPID

    VESPID User

    It is an answer to the cloak.
    You do understand the notion of checks and balances....right???
  22. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    No, it absolutely does not. Cloaks are supposed to hide you, not make you visible to those who can spend money.
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